
07 Mar 2014
Un programa de cooperación técnica interregional reforzará la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en los países lusófonos.
La FAO y la Comunidad de Países de Lengua Portuguesa (CPLP) han unido sus fuerzas hacia el establecimiento de una Comunidad de Países de Lengua Portuguesa Sin Hambre. El Director General de la FAO, José Graziano da Silva, y el Secretario Ejecutivo de la CPLP, Murade Isaac Miguigy Murargy, han firmado hoy un programa de cooperación técnica que unirá a la FAO y la CPLP. Con una contribución total de 500 000 dólares estadounidenses, el programa apoyará a la CPLP y a sus gobiernos, parlamentos y actores no gubernamentales para ejecutar una Estrategia Regional para Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional aprobada en...
03 Mar 2014
Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management
Over the last decade, Africa has witnessed demographic expansion resulting in encroachments into wildlife habitat, and increased cases of Human-wildlife conflicts (HWC), threatening both human and wildlife populations. Similarly, dramatic trends in criminal hunting and trade are threatening many wildlife species to the verge of extinction. Concerted and efficient Human-wildlife conflict mitigation strategies need to be implemented to manage wildlife in order to provide ecological, social, economic and cultural contributions to human development, food security, and find a right balance for living in harmony with nature. Against this background; and on the occasion of the 1st World Wildlife Day on 3 March,...
24 Feb 2014
Los avances y las propuestas regionales en el marco del Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar centran la conversación
El Director General de la FAO, José Graziano da Silva, ha agradecido hoy el papel desempeñado por la Confederación de Organizaciones de Productores Familiares del MERCOSUR (COPROFAM) en la campaña para el Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar durante un encuentro mantenido con sus dirigentes en la sede de la Organización en Roma. Graziano da Silva ha destacado que el Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar que se celebra en 2014 es una gran oportunidad para mostrar al mundo la contribución de la agricultura familiar para la seguridad alimentaria y la lucha contra el hambre y para lograr dietas más nutritivas...
19 Feb 2014
Rural advisory services are key to achieve reduction of rural poverty
FAO and the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) will step up its ongoing cooperation on areas such as capacity development, gender and nutrition. The Chief of the Research and Extension Unit in FAO, Mr. Andrea Sonnino, and the Deputy Director of Agridea, Ms Sylvie Aubert, as well as the Deputy Head of Department Rural Development, Markets and International of Agridea, Mr. Ernst Bollinger and the Chair of GFRAS, Mr. Francesco Aguirre, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the 19th of February 2014 which will allow the two organizations to formalize a long standing collaboration.  “FAO has been...
21 Jan 2014
Promoting a joint effort to fight against hunger and under-nutrition
One of Japan’s top-ranked and most popular private universities is teaming up with the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to improve the regional knowledge base and promote a joint effort to fight against hunger and under-nutrition, the FAO’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific announced today. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by FAO’s Hiroyuki Konuma, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific and Ken-ichi Fukumiya, President of Meiji University. “This is a strong and meaningful partnership with one of Japan’s most respected and most popular universities,” said Konuma. “The signing of this MoU further strengthens...
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