
Global Programme for the Control & Eradication of Pest des petits ruminants (Sheep & Goat Plague)

Resource Partners

The video describes the threat represented by the Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) or Sheep and Goat Plague to food security, livelihoods and economic prospects in affected counties, and the risk of a further spreading of PPR. It also outlines [...]

AIDmonitor: A new FAO online data tool to analyse funding for international development

Resource Partners

A new FAO online data tool launched 23 November 2017 will improve understanding of Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding flows in food and agriculture-related sectors – including thematic areas as diverse as the environment, education and women’s equality.


Kenya Learns Indonesia’s Food Security and Nutrition System

South-south Cooperation

A High-level delegation from Kenya visits Indonesia to learn about its decentralized governance structure in implementing food security and nutrition system facilitated by FAO South-South Cooperation.