Manejo integrado de plagas y plaguicidas

Compliance and enforcement

  • Guidelines on compliance and enforcement of a pesticide regulatory programme [2006] [Also available in Arabic]
    These guidelines guide governments in starting and carrying out a programme to enforce compliance with their pesticide regulatory system. The guidelines emphasize that compliance can be difficult to obtain but that even the best regulatory system cannot accomplish its purpose without it. The guidelines encourage governments to make allowances for programmes. They note that compliance programmes usually have to be built gradually over time with experimentation to see what works best, and that governments should consider that some enforcement is better than none. The guidelines identify core principles and building blocks for a compliance and enforcement programme, and they provide examples to show how countries at different starting points could proceed.

Quality control of pesticides is a crucial and integral part of pesticide management and also in the implementation of the Code of Conduct by the various stakeholders. These guidelines have been prepared to assist Member States, particularly those that have constraints in the setting up of an effective pesticide quality control system in their countries. Governments may find that their existing laws are inadequate to implement some of the proposals contained in these guidelines and should consider making relevant amendments to their laws as the way forward.

  • Guidance on the monitoring and observance of implementation of the Code of Conduct [2023]
    The objective of this guidance on fulfilling the reporting requirements of Article 12 of the Code of Conduct is to obtain a regular flow of information on its observance to strengthen implementation of the Code, to provide data for its future revisions and improvement, and, most importantly, to improve the protection of human health and the environment related to pesticide use and management in agriculture and public health.
  • Guidance on pesticide licensing schemes [2021]
    This document is intended to provide guidance for designing and implementing national pesticide licensing schemes by outlining elements, requirements and options for countries wishing to establish or strengthen their programmes for licensing of activities related to the pesticide life cycle The guidance is designed primarily for use by government authorities in charge of pesticide management, in particular pesticide regulations, compliance, enforcement and risk reduction, but may also be useful in sectors such as the pesticide industry, nongovernmental organizations and other relevant entities.
  • Guidance for Inspection of Pesticide Producers, Importers, Distributors and Retailers [2020]
    The guidance provided in this publication is on enforcing compliance by on-site inspection ofcompanies involved in pesticide production, import, distribution and retail sale. The document addresses both chemical and biological pesticides, both professional and amateur use products and both agricultural and public health products. The publication is intended to be a practical, hands-on tool, with checklists that government inspectors can use to prepare and conduct inspections at various sites and impose fines or penalties if deficiencies are found. It proposes a format for the report that inspectors submit to the responsible authorities after an inspection and that is filed for follow-up and future reference.
  • Guidelines on Licensing of Public Health Pest Control Operators [2015]
    These guidelines are intended to assist governments in implementing a licensing scheme for public health pest control operators (PCOs), as well as to assist the PCO industry in implementing best practices. The objective is to ensure that the pest control industry is orderly, efficient, and protective of people and the environment. The guidelines apply only to PCOs who provide their services in or around premises and public places; they do not cover pest control services in the agriculture and forestry sectors.
  • Guidelines for Quality Control of Pesticides [2011] (also available in FrenchSpanishRussian and Arabic)
    These guidelines cover the legislative, administrative, organizational and infrastructure (facilities and trained human resources) requirements to implement a scheme of regulatory quality control of pesticides in Member States. Guidance on sample selection and sampling procedures is also included. They do not include quality assurance practices of pesticide quality control laboratories, which are covered in another set of guidelines developed by the Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council (CIPAC), FAO and WHO.
  • Quality control of Pesticide Products – Guidelines for National Laboratories [2005] The aim of this document is to provide a general guidance for the establishment or strengthening of national pesticide quality control activities, irrespective of the use of the product, whether public health or agricultural. This document focuses on laboratories involved in the post-registration analysis of pesticide products to ensure that the data generated are of a sufficiently high standard to stand external scrutiny.