Regional Technical Platform for Family Farming

Strengthening of family farming organizations

Strengthening family farming organizations is essential to promote their growth, resilience and capacity to contribute significantly to socioeconomic development, recognizing the role of family farming in the transformation of agrifood systems.

By strengthening family farming organizations, agricultural production and productivity can be improved. These organizations are home to the knowledge and know-how of local agricultural production systems and are better positioned to adapt to the needs and preferences of the communities they serve, as well as safeguard and promote traditional knowledge and farming practices unique to different regions, which contributes to the diversity and resilience of food systems.

Similarly, family farming organizations are fundamental to the dynamization of economies in rural areas, fostering the generation of better opportunities and facilitating access to key resources and services, such as financing, training, technology and markets. These organizations also play a central role in preserving agricultural biodiversity and protecting the cultural heritage related to agriculture. By strengthening family farming organizations, traditional knowledge and farming practices unique to different regions can be safeguarded and promoted, contributing to the diversity and resilience of food systems.

Within the framework of this space, the exchange and dialogue of knowledge from the Organizations will be encouraged, valuing their good practices, as well as initiatives carried out by governments, the private sector and international organizations that support and strengthen Family Farming organizations, in line with the global action plan for the implementation of the United Nations Decade for Family Farming.