School food global hub

The Dominican Republic has a school meal programme that covers more than 2 million students through four different modalities. Currently, the country does not have legislation to control the sale of food and beverages in and around schools, however, it is an aspect that has been included in the draft law on school feeding.

Food and nutrition education is integrated as part of the national school meal programme. It is also part of some curricular subjects (natural sciences, physical education, English, French and mathematics) as well as extracurricular activities.

School Food

School meals

Dominican Republic has a national school meal programme (programa de alimentación escolar – PAE in Spanish) managed by the Nutrition Department of the National Student Welfare Institute (INABIE), an entity of the Ministry of Education whose purpose is to guarantee the food and nutritional care of children, adolescents, young students and adults in the national educational system, as well as reduce its levels of absenteeism and school dropouts. Initially, the programme began with the provision of a glass of milk to schoolchildren, later moving on to providing School Breakfast following the General Education Law 66-97, Article 178 that establishes it. In 2013, the delivery of school lunches and afternoon snacks was incorporated into the Extended School Day (Jornada escolar extendida – JEE in Spanish) centres. Currently, the programme is implemented in all schools, covering more than 2 million students through four different modalities:

  • Border PAE: implemented in schools in the border regions of the country with rural, peri-urban or difficult-to-access areas. The nutritional value of the meals provided is approximately 25-30% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of energy and nutrients for half a day, and 68% for the extended school day.
  • Rural PAEimplemented in schools in rural regions with difficult access and low resources. With this modality, schools receive money, as well as ingredients to prepare meals at school with family participation. The nutritional value of these meals is approximately 25-30% of the recommended daily intake of energy and nutrients for half a day, and 70% for the extended school day.
  • Urban PAE: implemented in schools in the urban region, providing a solid food portion and a dairy product in the morning and/or afternoon. The nutritional value of these food portions is approximately 20-25% of the recommended daily intake of energy and nutrients. The solid food portion, which can be bread or a biscuit, was designed for the programme and is enriched in iron, thiamine, vitamin A and vitamin D among other micronutrients, and has a higher protein content than a conventional bakery product.
  • Extended School Day PAE: representing approximately 85% of the school feeding modalities in the country, it provides a complete breakfast menu (25% of the RDI), and lunch (40% of the RDI). Menus vary by age group and region. The provision of snacks has currently been suspended due to the decision to reduce the sugar content within the programme. At this time, INABIE is evaluating a pilot initiative with different products to be included in the snack time (known as “merienda”) and has begun replacing the fruit nectars that used to be given as a snack with fresh fruit.

The modality depends on the school's infrastructure (presence of an on-site kitchen), the number of students served, the canteen space, as well as the availability of teachers to work on the programme.

Menu development

Currently, the Dominican Republic does not have official nutrition standards for school meals, but it follows criteria on the nutrition requirements that meals should provide (energy, minimum macro and micronutrients) by age groups (5-9, 10-14 and 15-19 years) from the World Health Organization. The menus, prepared by INABIE nutrition analysts, are calculated using these criteria and considering local cultural aspects. Menus follow the food-based dietary guidelines for the Dominican population to correctly include macro and micronutrients. The menus respond to the characteristics of each modality and are prepared in week cycles. The menu currently used for the Extended School Day programme follows a five-week cycle (with 25 combinations), while the Rural and Border programmes follow a four-week cycle.

School menus are usually updated twice a year, before the start of the school year (July-August) and mid-year (December-January). The latest updates have involved the exclusion of fruit nectars, the standardization of all recipes, the reduction of sodium, the reduction of fats and the creation of new recipes for the school meal programme cookbook.

Since most of the food supplied by the school meal programme comes from national production, and in many cases from small local producers and suppliers, INABIE in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture is carrying out a mapping exercise of local foods that will allow better adjustments of the menus to each region.

The country currently does not have any policy or law to regulate the sale of food and beverages in cafeterias within or outside schools. However, this aspect of the food environment regulation has been included in the draft law that has been presented to the Chamber of Deputies thanks to the ongoing collaboration between INABIE and FAO, which aims to create a legal and regulatory framework for school feeding.


Currently, INABIE is developing a training guide on school feeding and is reviewing the Food and Nutrition Education Manual (EAN) to strengthen the capacities of staff and other collaborators. Some of the activities linked to school feeding are:

  • Training of School Food and Nutrition Committees (CANE). These committees are formed by parents, students and the school community (teachers, school director, janitor) to ensure the proper functioning of the school meal programme. One of INABIE's future plans is to create a strategy between the Ministry of Education, parents and friend associations of the school and school committees so that training is led at the school level and does not depend exclusively on INABIE.
  • The transformation of cafeterias into healthy establishments, reducing and/or eliminating unhealthy foods from the school environment and replacing them with more nutritious options.

Since 2018, INABIE has received support through the FAO-Brazil cooperation within the sustainable schools project, which began in Monte Plata. Since 2021, INABIE has been part of the Sustainable School Feeding Network (RAES) which has provided technical advice on aspects of school feeding and food and nutrition education. Starting in 2022, the implementation of the FAO-INABIE project began with the purpose of strengthening the concept of sustainable schools, which consists of six main components:

  1. Exchange of experiences, good practices, and lessons learned with different countries on the implementation of school meal programmes.
  2. Link with the purchase of family agriculture for the school meal programme.
  3. Inclusion of a rainwater harvesting system in schools for consumption and preparation of dishes.
  4. Methodological package for food and nutrition education (an initial diagnosis has already been carried out in 36 project schools – pending publication).
  5. Inclusion of gastronomy in school feeding. This is being carried out through gastronomic laboratories (activities to be defined).
  6. The creation of a food laboratory at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo for INABIE analyses.

This initiative is carried out in 5 of the 18 educational regions in the country (Santiago, La Vega, Monteplata, San Juan and Azua). A national micronutrient survey will soon be carried out with schoolchildren, women of childbearing age and children under 5 years to make decisions regarding the improvement of the school meal programme. Other activities planned are the improvement of the infrastructure of the 36 schools involved in the diagnosis to include kitchens and capacity development sessions with the school food and nutrition committees.

Monitoring and evaluation

INABIE's technical food and nutrition management team is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the school meal programme through the supervision and training of food suppliers, as well as the implementation of a Comprehensive System for Food and Nutritional Monitoring of Schoolchildren (SISVANE).

INABIE created this system in 2014 to measure the impact of the school meal programme on the nutritional status of schoolchildren, as well as to promote healthy eating habits in schools. This system is currently implemented in four educational regions. When a malnourished student is detected, a nutritional supplement based on prebiotics (drink) is provided for three months. For the correct implementation of the monitoring system, INABIE developed a SISVANE teaching guide for the school personnel. Since 2023, the teachers have been included in this system to monitor their nutritional status through anthropometric measurements.

In 2022, INABIE in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Health carried out a national nutritional assessment in 53 schools from the meal programme  (ENPARD Report) finding that 31% of schoolchildren were overweight or obese, and 3% of students were underweight. Among other aspects, they also found that in 4 of the 18 educational regions, only 18% of schoolchildren were consuming fruits daily, something that had already been observed by SISVANE. INABIE therefore decided to increase the percentage of fruits and vegetables in school menus. This study also identified the need to strengthen food and nutrition education within the programme, hence the close collaboration with the FAO-Brazil cooperation and the Sustainable School Feeding Network (RAES).

School-Based Food and Nutrition Education

In the Dominican Republic, food and nutrition education is integrated into the school meal programme, run by the National Institute for Student Welfare (INABIE), an agency of the Ministry of Education.

Furthermore, nutrition and health content is integrated across subjects such as natural sciences, physical education, foreign languages (English and French) and mathematics. The body responsible for curriculum development is the General Directorate of Curriculum of the Ministry of Education.

Main Targets• Primary schoolchildren
• Secondary schoolchildren
• Parents, families and/or parents' associations
• Teachers
• School directors
Main Educators• Teachers 
• Parents and family members 
Integration within the school curriculum

• Through the activities developed by the nutrition education specialists of INABIE
• Contents integrated across subjects such as:

o Natural sciences
o Foreign language
o Physical education
o Maths

• Through extracurricular activities:

o Food Day
o Family Day
o School gardens



The annual nutrition education plans are prepared by nutrition education specialists from the national school meal programme based on observations gathered during school monitoring visits.

In 2021, as part of a multi-level and participatory process led by FAO, a capacity analysis of food and nutrition education in schools was conducted. This revealed the need to formally integrate food and nutrition education into the curriculum. In response, INABIE, together with FAO, presented a roadmap and a methodological package to the Ministry of Education for this integration.

As a result of this collaboration, an initial diagnosis was conducted in schools during 2022-2023 for the development of the methodological package.  Surveys were carried out with parent associations, teachers, and students to identify the key issues related to food and nutrition. The main problems reported included high rates of overweight and obesity, high consumption of sugary drinks and low intake of fruits and vegetables. Based on these findings, a methodological guide and a diploma for teachers were developed.

The methodological guide was designed based on the principles of effective food and nutrition education, including needs-based learning, action-focused competencies and objectives, student ownership of the learning process, experiential and real-life based learning, observation and discussions, support from the family and community support, interactions with the food environment, involvement of key stakeholders and activity evaluation.

The diploma course "Effective Food and Nutrition Education from the school" was developed in consultation with teacher training centres. It was first offered in November 2023, with 220 students, principals and teachers participating. As a result, teachers are now able to integrate food and nutrition education during the school year, regardless of the subject they teach. In the future, it is hoped that this initiative will gain greater continuity and reach more teachers.


In 2024, INABIE is updating a nutritional education manual for nutrition education specialists (pending publication) which includes a syllabus and recommended content, as well as a guide for planning activities. Given the limited number of specialists per school, INABIE, in collaboration with FAO, is working on forming school committees (comprising parents, teachers, and students) to take responsibility for food and nutrition education in schools. Once the manual is published, the establishment of food and nutrition education leaders (students) in each school is also proposed to help raise awareness among a broader student population.

Other activities carried out by INABIE in the area of nutrition education include:

  • Developing educational materials and games, organizing healthy cooking workshops for schoolchildren, and launching a mass communication campaign in collaboration with private sector institutions. This campaign features physical advertisements on public transportation and billboards, as well as healthy lifestyle challenges on social media, among other initiatives.

INABIE specialists also hold talks with teachers and parents on various topics, including the importance of healthy eating, consuming fruits and vegetables, proper hand washing, and incorporating physical activity.

Monitoring and Evaluation

There is no explicit strategy for monitoring and evaluating food and nutrition content in the school curriculum.
Anthropometric assessments are carried out on students and teachers using the SISVANE platform (Integrated System for Food and Nutritional Surveillance in Schoolchildren) of INABIE. This allows for the definition of a nutritional diagnosis and subsequent dietary and educational interventions.

Relevant links



Victor Castro, director ejecutivo del Instituto Nacional de Bienestar Estudiantil de República Dominicana, evalúa que es necesario fortalecer cada vez más esta política en el país y institucionalizarla.


El Programa de Alimentación Escolar de República Dominicana decidió reducir la oferta diaria de azúcar para sus beneficiarios.


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En el 2014, el INABIE crea el Sistema de Integral para la Vigilancia Alimentaria y Nutricional del Escolar (SISVANE), con el objetivo de medir el impacto nutricional del PAE en los escolares, así como fomentar hábitos alimentarios saludables y gestionar la atención de los escolares con malnutrición.


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