الاتفاق بشأن التدابير التي تتخذها دولة الميناء


رسالة من جون كيري حول بدء نفاذ اتفاق تدابير دولة الميناء (متوفرة بالإنجليزية فقط)

29 July 2016
29 تموز/ يوليو 2016 - وزير الخارجية كيري يصف اتفاق تدابير دولة الميناء (PSMA) "بأنه مناسبة بالغة الأهمية"، ويهنئ منظمة [...more]

The USA as State partie of the Port State Measures Agreement

12 July 2016
David A. Balton, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oceans and Fisheries of the United States of America, talks about the importance [...more]

La República de Chile como Estado parte del Acuerdo sobre medidas del Estado rector del puerto

12 July 2016
Raúl Súnico Galdámez, Subsecretario de Pesca y Acuicultura de la República de Chile, destaca la importancia del Acuerdo y habla [...more]

The Republic of Indonesia as State partie to the PSMA

12 July 2016
Susi Pudjiastuti, Minister for Marine Affairs and Fisheries, talks about the importance of the Port State Measures Agreement and the [...more]

The European Union and the Port State Measures Agreement

12 July 2016
Joáo Aguiar Machado, Director-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, talks about the importance of the Agreement and the initiatives that [...more]

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and the Port State Measures Agreement

12 July 2016
Saboto Caesar, Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Rural Transformation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, talks about the importance [...more]

The Republic of Vanuatu as a State partie to the PSMA

12 July 2016
Roy Mickey Joy, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Vanuatu to FAO, talks about the importance of the [...more]

The Republic of the Sudan as a State partie to the PSMA

12 July 2016
Musa Tibin Musa Adam, Federal Minister for Animal Resources of the Republic of the Sudan, underlines the importance of the [...more]

The Republic of Palau as a State partie to the PSMA

12 July 2016
Fleming Sengebau, Minister for Natural Resources, Environment, and Tourism of the Republic of Palau, talks about the relevance of the [...more]
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