
Corporate brochures: eye-catching, mind-expanding, and a showcase of FAO’s best work


Must we choose between food security and climate neutrality? How do we make sure food imports are safe? How do low-income countries move up the food value chain?

FAO’s corporate brochures not only answer such questions but correlate them with broader subjects – the bioeconomy, say, or global trade – and tell you what the Organization is doing about them in policy and practical terms. Tone-wise, the brochures stand where the lighter side of academic literature meets the weightier side of ground reportage. Each one is themed around one of FAO’s priority areas of work, such as climate action or the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“Brochure” is, in fact, a slightly misleading legacy term – and we will likely revisit it in the near future. Yes, these are intensely visual publications. But they are online products, conceived for swiping and scrolling rather than flicking through – the vanguard of FAO’s new digital-first policy.  You may browse them on your laptop at home; pull them up on your phone during a university lecture; or check them out on your tablet while researching your school presentation on agrifood systems.

More corporate brochures are slated for publication, at a rate of three or so annually: every year brings its own crop of hot agri-topics. Have a look below at the brochures already out – and keep an eye out for those still to come.



Amid a worsening climate crisis and slow progress in cutting greenhouse gases, sustainable agrifood systems and practices can help countries and communities to adapt, build resilience and mitigate emissions. FAO is working with countries and partners at all levels to address the challenges of food security, climate change and biodiversity loss. But success in this area will ultimately require global commitment to significantly increasing the quality and quantity of climate finance.

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Forest products and data underpin a sustainable future. Understanding and quantifying the production and trade of wood and wood products is central for a strong, transparent and ever-changing global bioeconomy.

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A life necessity, a social event, an act of love, a way of expressing ourselves: food is all of these things, as well as an important source of employment and the heartbeat of every economy. This latest digital publication addresses the work of FAO and its partners in ensuring food is safe for all.

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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) belong to all of us. They represent our best shot at a better future for people and planet. But amid resurgent conflict, climate havoc, and social and health crises, we risk losing sight of them. This publication shows how FAO and partners continue to work towards the achievement of the SDGs, project by project, field by field, and country by country.

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Africa faces enormous challenges to its development, including the three-pronged impacts of COVID-19, the climate crisis and the war in Ukraine. This digital publication details FAO’s approach to South–South and Triangular Cooperation in Africa, explores recent case studies, and sketches the road ahead.


FAO publications [email protected]