David Lubin Memorial Library


FAO Library collections include some of the earliest known scholarship on food and agriculture.

Support is available to help researchers navigate the extensive collections, accessible in digital, print, and microfiche formats. 
Special guests and staff enjoy interactive tours of the rare books and hidden stacks.
FAO Library is working towards the digitization of important library collections. The first phase of this project will take place in 2024 and 2025.


FAO Library provides staff, visiting researchers, and representatives from member countries with research support and information services on food security topics in support of the basic human right to adequate food. The library is also the custodian of a vast physical collection of 1.5 million volumes covering over 500 years of documentary heritage of agricultural knowledge. This includes the Institutional Memory of FAO, the David Lubin Archive, the original collections of the International Institute of Agriculture, the Centre International de Sylviculture, and a collection of 400 rare books and incunabula dating back to the 15th century.


In depth


David Lubin
Memorial Library
Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO)
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy

The Library office
is open to FAO staff,
delegates and external
researchers for research
support Monday through
Friday, 9:00-13:00 

The Reading Room
is open to FAO staff,
delegates and external
researchers with a visitor's pass during FAO working days.

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