FAO-La Sapienza Seminar Series “Case Studies on Food and Agricultural Statistics”

Hybrid Event, 26/02/2024 - 14/05/2024

The first meeting of the fourth series of seminars, “Case studies on food and agricultural statistics” in conjunction with La Sapienza, will take place on Monday, February 26 at 6:00 p.m. in room 34 (fourth floor) of the Department of Statistical Sciences.

The series, which consists of 12 seminars and runs until Tuesday, May 14, 2024, comprises a theoretical introduction to the various topics covered as well as a practical component based on FAO data archives.

The preliminary programme is now available and can be consulted at the following link: FAO-Case-Studies-SMA-DSS.pdf - Google Drive

Seminars will be held at 6pm in Lecture Room 34 (Department of Statistical Sciences, CU002 building 4th floor) for 2 hours.

Both in-person and online attendance is allowed at: https://uniroma1.zoom.us/j/81280892845?pwd=eGNJRkYwZDlFbnhnRFZsTTlXTXBoZz09.


Giovanna Jona Lasinio

[email protected]

Luca Tardella

[email protected]