19/05/2024 - 24/05/2024
In accordance with Article VI-1 of the FAO Constitution, the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP) organized the Thirtieth session of the Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics (APCAS30), along with its side events in Kathmandu, Nepal during 19-24 May 2024 at the kind invitation of the Government of Nepal.
Purpose of the meeting
The Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics (APCAS) is a statutory body of FAO. APCAS brings together senior statistics officials from FAO member countries of the Asia and Pacific region who are responsible for the development of food and agricultural statistics in their respective countries. They review the developments in their food and agricultural statistics systems since the last session and exchange ideas with experts from FAO and other organizations on the state of food and agricultural statistics in the region. FAO uses this occasion to inform the member countries about its activities during the preceding biennium, particularly in Asia and the Pacific region.
The prominent themes on the Agenda of this session were recent developments and innovations related to: FAO activities in the Asia and the Pacific region, SDG indicators under FAO custodianship, use of earth observations for agriculture statistics, agriculture censuses, the 50x2030 initiative, the agricultural science and technology indicators program, food and nutrition security statistics, sub-sector statistics and damage and loss.
The Session was preceded by side events/country roundtables that focused on country experiences and innovations in the use of earth observations, farm-based SDG indicators, and implementation of agricultural censuses. Outputs included summaries of experiences in the region and draft guidelines and recommendations in moving forward in these areas of work.
Membership of the Commission
As per the Statute of the Commission, the membership of the Commission is open to all Member Nations of FAO and Associate Members whose territories are situated wholly or partly in the Asia and the Pacific Region or who are responsible for the international relations of any non-self-governing territories in the Region. As of April 2024, 31 countries were members of APCAS, namely: Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Fiji, France, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, and Viet Nam. FAO member nations interested in becoming a member of the Commission are welcome to contact the APCAS-Secretary for guidance in this regard.
Apart from delegates nominated by member countries, FAO partner institutions were also invited as observers with a right to speak. FAO technical experts from the Asia Pacific Regional Office, the Pacific Regional Office, and FAO headquarters took part in the deliberations.
APCAS30 Side Events (Meeting documents)
Document Symbol | Title |
APCAS/24/INF1 | |
APCAS/24/INF2 | |
APCAS/24/INF3 | |
APCAS/24/INF4 | |
APCAS/24/INF5 | Report of the Thirtieth session of the Asia and Pacific Commission on agricultural statistics |
APCAS/24/INF6 | |
APCAS/24/INF7 | Provisional Timetable: APCAS Main Event and Commission Meetings |
APCAS/24/INF8A | Provisional Timetable: APCAS Side Event on Earth Observation Data |
APCAS/24/INF8B | Provisional Timetable: APCAS Side Event on Farm-based SDG Indicators |
APCAS/24/INF8C | Provisional Timetable: APCAS Side Event on Agricultural Censuses |
Document Symbol | Title | Paper | Presentation |
APCAS/24/3.1 | Overview of FAO’s activities in food and agricultural statistics in the Asia and Pacific Region and implementation of recommendations of the 29th Session of APCAS | PPT | |
APCAS/24/3.2 | Country response rate to FAO questionnaires and data collection plans for 2024-25 | PPT | |
APCAS/24/3.3 | Progress in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator Reporting | PPT | |
APCAS/24/4.1 | New Developments in Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Indicators | PPT | |
APCAS/24/4.2 | Report of Side Event: Country Experiences in compiling farm-based SDG Indicators | PPT | |
APCAS/24/5.1 | The EO data task force, and new FAO methodologies and activities | PPT | |
APCAS/24/5.2 | Report of Side Event: Country Experiences in EO data | PPT | |
APCAS/24/6.1 | Progress in WCA 2020 implementation and proposed outline and strategy for the WCA 2030 guidelines | ||
APCAS/24/6.2 | Report of Side Event: Country experiences in the preparation and implementation of censuses of agriculture in the WCA 2020 round and implications for WCA2030 | PPT | |
APCAS/24/7.1 | Implementation of the 50X2030 Initiative in Asia and the Pacific Region | PPT | |
APCAS/24/7.2 | Lessons Learnt from Cambodia’s Implementation of the 50X2030 Initiative | PPT | |
APCAS/24/8.1 | Introduction to the Agriculture Science and Technology Indicators (Speech only) | ||
APCAS/24/8.2 | Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators: New approaches for long-term sustainability of R&D data collection | ||
APCAS/24/8.3 | Preparations for ASTI pilot in Pakistan in collaboration with the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics | PPT | |
APCAS/24/9.1 | Advancing the new statistical domain on food security and nutrition for improved official statistics and informed policies | PPT | |
APCAS/24/9.2 | FAOSTAT Food and Diet Domain for dissemination of statistics on dietary data | PPT | |
APCAS/24/9.3 | Methods to estimate cost and affordability of healthy diets | PPT | |
APCAS/24/9.4 | Measuring fish consumption and nutrition with photo evidence | PPT | |
APCAS/24/9.5 | Food consumption surveys in the Pacific SIDS | PPT | |
APCAS/24/10.1 | Enhance fishery and aquaculture data in support to Blue Transformation: main challenges and possible enhancements | PPT | |
APCAS/24/10.2 | SDG 14 indicators: overview, reporting progress with a focus on SDG 14.4.1 and bottlenecks | PPT | |
APCAS/24/10.3 | FAO’s global information system on water and agriculture | PPT | |
APCAS/24/10.4 | New Domain on Damage and Loss | PPT |
(APCAS Secretary and Regional Statistician for Asia and Pacific. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Bangkok, Thailand)
(Senior Statistician, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Kathmandu, Nepal)
(Director of Agriculture Statistics, National Statistics Office, Kathmandu, Nepal)