
Structural data from agricultural censuses. March 2024 update

New FAOSTAT data release


The FAOSTAT domain Structural data from agricultural censuses was launched in 2022 to disseminate data collected in national censuses of agriculture at the agricultural holding level. The domain presents structural data from agricultural censuses conducted in the 1990, 2000 and 2010 under FAO's World Programme for the Census of Agriculture (WCA) rounds, with some holding-level information dating from the 1930s. Typical structural data include the size and number of agricultural holdings, the holder’s gender, the type of land tenure, the legal status of holders, as well as information on land use, crop area and farm labour.

The 2024 update of the domain features data for 30 additional countries for the WCA 2020 round, new data from earlier rounds for 26 countries and territories, and data adjustments for 83 countries.

Main findings:

  • The new WCA 2020 data show that the Russian Federation is the fourth country with the largest number of holdings after China, India and Indonesia. The Russian Federation is also the country with the largest number of holdings per 1 000 people, ahead of China.
  • Based on the new data, Brazil is the third largest country in terms of total holdings’ area. Australia and the United States of America remain the top largest countries in the WCA 2020 round.
  • With the update, South Africa is the country with the second largest average holdings’ area in the WCA 2020 round, behind Australia.