One of the key missions of FAO is to support member countries develop the capacity of their statistical systems and enable them to collect, analyze, disseminate and use relevant, reliable and timely data. By strengthening countries’ capacity in this area, FAO contributes to make available key analytical and decision-making support tools for national, regional and global evidence-based actions.
National governments should discuss on an ongoing basis their statistical capacity development needs and priorities directly with their FAO country office. These needs and priorities will usually be reflected in the Country programming framework (CPF) and support will be planned in consultation with the relevant technical units and regional or sub-regional statisticians. If assistance requests are raised, the FAO country office will contact the relevant technical divisions and regional or sub-regional statisticians to analyze how the support can be provided.
FAO statistical capacity development activities are funded through:
- Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP)
- Regular programme funds allocated to technical divisions
- Extra-budgetary programmes that support statistical development.
For specific information and inquiries on FAO capacity development programmes, national governments are also encouraged to contact these programmes directly.
The 50x2030 Initiative to Close the Agricultural Data Gap is a multi-partner effort that seeks to bridge the global agricultural data gap by transforming country data systems across 50 countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America by 2030. 50x2030 brings together the technical and operational capabilities of key multilateral implementers (FAO, IFAD and the World Bank), with the strategic influence, vision, and resources of development agencies and the determination and hard work of partner countries.
This initiative focuses on improving country level data by establishing strong nationally-representative survey programs— building upon the experiences of the FAO’s Agricultural Integrated Survey (AGRISurvey) Programme and the World Bank’s Living Standards Measurement Study-Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA)— that produce high-quality and timely agricultural data and make evidence-based decision-making in agriculture the norm. FAO leads the data-production component of the Initiative through technical assistance and capacity building activities.
Support can be provided by FAO through regional and national-level capacity development activities in the following areas: