Centro de inversiones de la FAO

The secrets to good irrigation governance

New FAO/EBRD Serbian irrigation webinar looks to other countries’ success

On 28 October 2020, experts from Israel, Portugal and Spain will share success stories on irrigation technology, management and governance with Serbian irrigation actors during the first in a series of webinars.

Government representatives, farmers, irrigation input providers, academics, local administrators, the media and anyone interested in irrigation are invited to join the Zoom discussion.

This is an excellent opportunity for Serbian irrigation actors to learn from their peers in the Mediterranean and Europe on what does – and doesn’t – work when it comes to running irrigation networks.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), who are supporting Serbia to develop a national irrigation strategy and five-year action plan, are organizing the series.

Blessed with favourable agroclimatic conditions, Serbia is a leading grain exporter for the Western Balkans. But the country is highly vulnerable to climate change and drought.

A modern, well-functioning irrigation system is a must – not only for producing current crops but also for growing fruits and vegetables with a higher market value.  

The EBRD and FAO are helping Serbia map out priority investments for the next ten years.

Policies and investments will seek to boost agricultural productivity, sustainability and climate resilience via enhanced and newly developed irrigation networks.

Come join the discussion.


When: 28 October 2020, 10:00-13:00 (local time in Serbia)

Where: Zoom

Languages: English and Serbian (translation provided)

Registration: Free of charge

Click here to register




Photo credit FAO