Sustainable Development Goals Helpdesk

Champion > Tools

Utilise FAO’s extensive collection of tools, from guidance to methodologies, to assist in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of policies, programmes and projects for SDG progression.


This rapid capacity assessment tool aims to help practitioners (such as government agencies, youth organizations, or development partners) to carry out a multi-stakeholder assessment of existing and needed capacities to engage and empower youth to carry out and benefit from responsible investment in agriculture and food systems.

Better LifeInclusive Rural TransformationScaling Up InvestmentSDG10: Reduced InequalitiesSDG2: Zero HungerSDG8: Decent Work and Economics Growth

This note provides technical and operational guidance to stakeholders of the agriculture, food security and nutrition sector intervening in protracted crises, fragile and humanitarian contexts to ensure that children are not engaged in activities that could negatively affect their health, development or education, and are not employed in hazardous working conditions.

Agriculture and Food EmergenciesBetter LifeSDG16: Peace, Justice and Strong InstitutionsSDG2: Zero HungerSDG4: Quality Education

The purpose of this Codex Diagnostic Tool is to provide a framework for countries to carry out a self-assessment of the current status of the national Codex programme.

Better NutritionSafe Food for EveryoneSDG2: Zero HungerSDG3: Good Health and Well-being

The “Investing in Sustainable Energy Technologies in the Agrifood Sector” (INVESTA) methodology provides guidelines for a sound and comprehensive cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of clean energy interventions in agrifood value chains and compares the economic net benefits (including hidden costs and co-benefits) with a simple financial analysis to inform investors.


GLEAM is a modelling framework that simulates the interaction of activities and processes involved in livestock production and the environment. The model can operate at (sub) national, regional and global scale. GLEAM differentiates key stages along livestock supply chains such as feed production, processing and transport; herd dynamics, animal feeding and manure management;...