Autoridades y productores de banano aplican ejercicios y protocolos en los campos, ante la amenaza de la enfermedad Fusarium R4T que también es conocido como el mal de Panamá y que fue confirmado un brote en Colombia a principio de [...]
Over the last few weeks, the possible disappearance of the Cavendish banana has been making headlines around the globe, both in producer and consumer countries; since the first outbreak of the Fusarium Tropical Race 4 has been made public in [...]
TR4 screening trials are in full swing in the NT, with new trials established at Coastal Plains Research Farm over the past 10 months.
Since the initial detection of TR4 in the Tully Valley in March 2015, alerting growers and the community in general of any new farms with TR4 has been a priority of Biosecurity Queensland (BQ) and the ABGC. As most would know, there [...]
Gavin MacKay, who manages MacKay’s Bolinda Estate (first detected with TR4 in July 2017) with his cousin Stephen MacKay, says that having the disease on their Tully Valley property meant they’d paid much closer attention to how they did things [...]
The Banana Board is only too aware of the far-reaching impact of the soil-borne pathogen, and has therefore ramped up its public relations and awareness activities to alert farmers and other stakeholders.
Colombia confirmó la presencia de Fusarium R4T en una de sus regiones bananeras, por lo que declaró emergencia nacional "con el fin de incrementar los controles y disponer de medidas adicionales para atender la situación en la zona afectada y [...]
A banana-killing fungus that has been laying waste to crops in Asia and Australia for decades is now in the Americas, which produce the majority of the world’s banana exports.
La emergencia fue declarada por las autoridades tras confirmar que la temible plaga que ha devastado cultivos en Asia, apareció en las plantaciones de plátanos en la nación suramericana.
Eli Khayat, miembro del Comité de Expertos Internacionales conformado por Colombia ante la emergencia por la presencia del Fusarium Raza 4 Tropical en los cultivos de banano, aseguró que hay alternativas para contener la enfermedad y producir con variedades resistentes [...]
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