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Title Date Starting Time
Climate-Smart Agriculture in Africa and Europe: Boosting Synergy
The African Conservation Tillage Network and the European Conservation Agriculture Federation will join FAO in discussing the need to develop [...]
08.02.2019 09:30
Forests at the Heart of Sustainable Development
The event aims to shed light on the diverse social, economic and environmental benefits linked to the sustainable management of [...]
07.02.2019 09:00
Sustainable Food and Agriculture: An Integrated Approach
Productivity and sustainability of agriculture and food systems have received increased attention at global level. However, there is a need [...]
05.02.2019 11:30
Promoting Youth and Women Employment in Food Systems across the Rural-urban Continuum - Afternoon Session
Over the next 15 years, it is estimated that about 1.6 billion people will reach working age in low and [...]
04.02.2019 14:00
Zero Waste, Zero Hunger. Growing Best Practices
As part of a fruitful collaboration between FAO and Fico Foundation and following the visit of the Director-General to FICO [...]
04.02.2019 10:00
Promoting Youth and Women Employment in Food Systems across the Rural-urban Continuum - Morning Session
Over the next 15 years, it is estimated that about 1.6 billion people will reach working age in low and [...]
04.02.2019 09:30
Food Loss and Waste Law - Throughout the Value Chain
Reducing loss and waste across the food value chain will contribute tremendously to reducing the environmental impacts of agriculture, improving [...]
01.02.2019 09:30
CFS Open Meeting on Food Systems and Nutrition
The purpose of the meeting is to provide a space for an open and informal discussion among CFS stakeholders on [...]
30.01.2019 09:30
Environmental Flows in the “Water Stress” Indicator 6.4.2
Launch of “Guidelines for a minimum methodological standard for global reporting” on how to incorporate environmental flows into “water stress” [...]
29.01.2019 12:00
Joint Briefing for Permanent Representatives and Stakeholders of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food & Agriculture, and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food & Agriculture
This Joint Briefing is organized by the Secretariats of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) and [...]
22.01.2019 11:00
Assessing the Quality of Farmer Field School Programmes
Farmer Field Schools have been implemented in hundreds of countries by many organizations. During this seminar, a synthesis of FFS [...]
14.12.2018 10:00
Seminar: Integrating Food Systems into Urban Planning - Insights and Key Findings
This presentation of the publication  Integrating food into Urban planning shines a light on how best to integrate food systems [...]
13.12.2018 13:00
The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries 2018
The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries (SoMFi 2018), published by FAO-GFCM, is launched today. This report provides a [...]
11.12.2018 12:30
FAO Council - Hundred and Sixtieth Session - Side Event
Africa Solidarity Trust Fund
The Africa Solidarity Trust Fund is an innovative instrument for receiving and managing pooled unearmarked funds to support critical national [...]
07.12.2018 11:00
World Soil Day 2018 celebration “Be the solution to soil pollution”
World Soil Day (WSD) is held annually on 5 December as a means to focus attention on the importance of [...]
05.12.2018 13:00
FAO Council - Hundred and Sixtieth Session - Side Event
Key findings of the MOPAN Assessment of FAO
The Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN) has assessed the performance of FAO over 2016 to mid-2018. The assessment covers [...]
04.12.2018 13:00
FAO Council - Hundred and Sixtieth Session - Side Event
FAO’s work with Belgium and Sweden
Sweden and Belgium are leaders on the aid effectiveness agenda and remarkable partners of FAO. As firm supporters of multilateralism, [...]
03.12.2018 13:00
Orange the world #HearMeToo
Protecting People at Risk in Emergencies and Conflicts: Some Lessons from the Field
In commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, FAO is holding an event to demonstrate [...]
30.11.2018 14:00
International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers - Day 3 Session
FAO hosts The International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers in Rome (21-23 November 2018) aims to accelerate the [...]
23.11.2018 09:00
International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers
Youth as Drivers of Innovation - Day 2 Special Event #2
FAO hosts The International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers in Rome (21-23 November 2018) aims to accelerate the [...]
22.11.2018 18:00
International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers - Day 2 Afternoon Parallel Session
FAO hosts The International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers in Rome (21-23 November 2018) aims to accelerate the [...]
22.11.2018 14:15
International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers - Day 2 Afternoon Session
FAO hosts The International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers in Rome (21-23 November 2018) aims to accelerate the [...]
22.11.2018 14:00
International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers
What’s Cooking? A Conversation with Chefs & Family Farmers - Day 2 Special Event #1
This special event will bring together seasoned chefs and family farmers from around the world to engage in a lively [...]
22.11.2018 12:45
International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers - Day 2 Morning Parallel Session
FAO hosts The International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers in Rome (21-23 November 2018) aims to accelerate the [...]
22.11.2018 09:45
International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers - Day 2 Morning Session
FAO hosts The International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers in Rome (21-23 November 2018) aims to accelerate the [...]
22.11.2018 09:30
International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers - Day 1 Afternoon Parallel Session
FAO hosts The International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers in Rome (21-23 November 2018) aims to accelerate the [...]
21.11.2018 14:15
International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers - Day 1 Afternoon Session
FAO hosts The International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers in Rome (21-23 November 2018) aims to accelerate the [...]
21.11.2018 14:00
World Fisheries Day
Working Together to Inform the Rights of Fishers and strengthening the Fight Against Trafficking and Forced Labour in the Fisheries Sector
The event is organized on the event of World Fisheries Day.   On the day dedicated to the men and women who [...]
21.11.2018 11:00
International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers - Day 1 Morning Session
FAO hosts The International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers in Rome (21-23 November 2018) aims to accelerate the [...]
21.11.2018 09:30
FSN Impacts of Urbanization and Rural Transformation on Lower Income Groups - Afternoon Session
Urbanization and rural transformation present both challenges and opportunities for urban and rural areas alike. The transformation of rural areas [...]
19.11.2018 14:30
FSN Impacts of Urbanization and Rural Transformation on Lower Income Groups - Morning Session
Urbanization and rural transformation present both challenges and opportunities for urban and rural areas alike. The transformation of rural areas [...]
19.11.2018 10:00
High Level Expert Seminar Indigenous Food Systems - Day 3 Afternoon Session
The first High-Level Expert Seminar on Indigenous Food Systems is taking place in FAO Headquarters in Rome from 7-9 November [...]
09.11.2018 14:00
High Level Expert Seminar Indigenous Food Systems - Day 3 Morning Session
The first High-Level Expert Seminar on Indigenous Food Systems is taking place in FAO Headquarters in Rome from 7-9 November [...]
09.11.2018 09:30
High Level Expert Seminar Indigenous Food Systems - Day 2 Afternoon Session
The first High-Level Expert Seminar on Indigenous Food Systems is taking place in FAO Headquarters in Rome from 7-9 November [...]
08.11.2018 14:00
High Level Expert Seminar Indigenous Food Systems - Day 2 Morning Session
The first High-Level Expert Seminar on Indigenous Food Systems is taking place in FAO Headquarters in Rome from 7-9 November [...]
08.11.2018 09:30
Preventing Nutrient Loss & Waste in Food Systems
The Global Panel of Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition is launching its new policy brief: "Preventing nutrient loss and [...]
07.11.2018 14:00
High Level Expert Seminar Indigenous Food Systems - Day 1 Afternoon Session
The first High-Level Expert Seminar on Indigenous Food Systems is taking place in FAO Headquarters in Rome from 7-9 November [...]
07.11.2018 14:00
High Level Expert Seminar Indigenous Food Systems - Day 1 Morning Session
The first High-Level Expert Seminar on Indigenous Food Systems is taking place in FAO Headquarters in Rome from 7-9 November [...]
07.11.2018 09:00
CSF45 Day Four - Afternoon Session
Xa) Arrangements for CFS 46 - Xb) Adoption of Final Report
Arrangements for CFS 46 and adoption of Final Report.
19.10.2018 15:00
CSF45 Side Event
Brazil – FAO Trilateral South-South Cooperation on Food Security and Nutrition
In the last two decades, Brazil has achieved significant results in the fight to hunger and rural poverty due to [...]
19.10.2018 13:00
CSF45 Day Four - Morning Session
IXa) Food Systems and Nutrition - IXb) CFS and the Agenda 2030
For information and discussion.
19.10.2018 10:00
CSF45 Day Three - Afternoon Session
VIII) HLPE Report on Multistakeholder Partnerships to Finance and Improve Food Security and Nutrition in the Framework of the 2030 Agenda
For discussion and decision.
18.10.2018 15:00
CSF45 Day Three - Morning Session
VII) Global Thematic Event on the Right to Food Guidelines
For information and discussion.
18.10.2018 10:00
CSF45 Side Event
El último paso para poner fin al hambre y la pobreza rural en América Latina y el Caribe
Lograr el Objetivo “Hambre Cero” implica necesariamente enfrentar el hambre y la pobreza extrema presente en los territorios más rezagados [...]
18.10.2018 08:30
CSF45 Day Two - Afternoon Session
V) Critical and Emerging Issues (continued) - VI) Workstream Updates & Decisions
VIa) Endorsement of the Terms of Reference for Policy Guidance on Food Systems and Nutrition (for discussion and decision) VIb) CFS and [...]
17.10.2018 15:00
CSF45 Side Event
World Livestock: Transforming the Livestock Sector through the SDGs.
The livestock sector can contribute directly or indirectly to the achievement of each of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However [...]
17.10.2018 14:30
CSF45 Day Two - Morning Session
IV) CFS Evaluation ‐ V) Critical and Emerging Issues in Food Security and Nutrition – Towards a Strategic MYPoW 2020 ‐ 2023
For discussion and decision.
17.10.2018 10:00
CSF45 Side Event
Healthy Food Environments and the Urban Context
The side event aims to advance the debate regarding healthy food environments and their challenges in urban contexts. Taking into [...]
17.10.2018 08:30
Integrated School Meals Programmes for Multiple Contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals
Good practices, challenges and opportunities for innovation, learning and scaling up The RBAs have jointly committed to enhanced partnerships, as a [...]
16.10.2018 18:00
World Food Day 2018: Second High-Level Panel on Zero Hunger - Afternoon Session
FAO Goodwill Ambassadors for Nutrition, the King of Lesotho and Queen Letizia of Spain will be joined by the UN [...]
16.10.2018 15:00