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Forty-fourth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) - Day 3 Morning Session (...)
IVa Policy Convergence: Sustainable Forestry for Food Security and Nutrition
IVa Policy Convergence: Sustainable Forestry for Food Security and Nutrition   The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is a leading international platform [...]
11.10.2017 10:00
Forty-fourth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) - Day 2 Afternoon Session (...)
IIIc Good Practice and Lesson Sharing for Improved Nutrition - IIId CFS Advancing Nutrition including the Decade of Action on Nutrition
IIIc Good Practice and Lesson Sharing for Improved Nutrition IIId CFS Advancing Nutrition including the Decade of Action on Nutrition   The Committee on [...]
10.10.2017 15:00
VGGT 5th Anniversary
High-level Event on the VGGT 5th Anniversary
This High-level Event will commemorate the 5th Anniversary of the endorsement of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of [...]
10.10.2017 13:00
IPPC Seminar on Plant Health and Trade Facilitation
The seminar is the sixth in a series, and will be focused on providing the FAO, WTO, World Bank and [...]
10.10.2017 11:00
Forty-fourth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) - Day 2 Morning Session (...)
IIIa Launch of HLPE Report on Nutrition and Food Systems - IIIb Update on ICN2 Reporting
IIIa Launch of HLPE Report on Nutrition and Food Systems IIIb Update on ICN2 Reporting   The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is [...]
10.10.2017 10:00
Forty-fourth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) - Afternoon Session
Forty-fourth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS).   The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is a leading international platform [...]
09.10.2017 15:00
Launch of State of Food and Agriculture Report (SOFA)
Release of a new edition of FAO’s annual flagship report The State of Food and Agriculture in the World on [...]
09.10.2017 13:00
Opening of the Committee on World Food Security
Forty-fourth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) - Morning Session
Opening of the Committee on World Food Security   Speeches by: José Graziano da Silva, Director-General, FAO Ambassador Amira Gornass, CFS Chair Gilbert F. Houngbo, [...]
09.10.2017 10:00
Discovery Day 2017: MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Discovery Day 2017: Technology’s contribution in improving tenure governance towards achieving the SDGs.   The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, [...]
05.10.2017 11:00
Open dialogue on antimicrobial resistance and food waste
Opening remarks: José Graziano da Silva, Director-General H.E. Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety of the European Union ALL STAFF ARE [...]
29.09.2017 10:15
CFS Evaluation Meeting
This is a global discussion on the follow up to the CFS Evaluation. The meeting will discuss draft responses to [...]
28.09.2017 09:30
CFS Evaluation Meeting - Afternoon Session
This is a global discussion on the follow up to the CFS Evaluation. The meeting will discuss recommendations 4, 8 [...]
26.09.2017 14:00
CFS Evaluation Meeting - Morning Session
This is a global discussion on the follow up to the CFS Evaluation. The meeting will discuss recommendations 4, 8 [...]
26.09.2017 10:00
CFS Forum on Women's Empowerment (Afternoon Session)
The Forum will represent an opportunity to promote a shared understanding of how issues related to women’s empowerment in the [...]
25.09.2017 14:00
CFS Forum on Women's Empowerment (Morning Session)
The Forum will represent an opportunity to promote a shared understanding of how issues related to women’s empowerment in the [...]
25.09.2017 09:00
3rd CFS Nutrition Event (Afternoon Session)
CFS 3rd Intersessional Nutrition Event: Achieving the 2025 Global Target for Stunting – Investing in Food Systems to Prevent Stunting. CFS [...]
22.09.2017 14:00
3rd CFS Nutrition Event (Morning Session)
CFS 3rd Intersessional Nutrition Event: Achieving the 2025 Global Target for Stunting – Investing in Food Systems to Prevent Stunting. CFS [...]
22.09.2017 09:00
Global Harmonization of Methodological Approaches to Nutrient Intake Recommendations: A Workshop (Day 2)
The Food and Nutrition Board, in partnership with the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development of the World Health [...]
22.09.2017 08:30
Global Harmonization of Methodological Approaches to Nutrient Intake Recommendations: A Workshop (Day 1 - Afternoon Session)
The Food and Nutrition Board, in partnership with the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development of the World Health [...]
21.09.2017 14:30
3rd Annual Meeting of the LEAP Partnership - Afternoon Session
The LEAP Partnership is a multi-stakeholder initiative committed to improving the environmental performance of livestock supply chains, whilst ensuring its [...]
21.09.2017 14:00
Global Harmonization of Methodological Approaches to Nutrient Intake Recommendations: A Workshop (Day 1 - Morning Session)
The Food and Nutrition Board, in partnership with the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development of the World Health [...]
21.09.2017 09:00
3rd Annual Meeting of the LEAP Partnership - Morning Session
The LEAP Partnership is a multi-stakeholder initiative committed to improving the environmental performance of livestock supply chains, whilst ensuring its [...]
21.09.2017 09:00
CFS 44 Preparatory Session
In preparation for the annual Plenary of CFS from 9 – 13 October, this Information Session will inform stakeholders of [...]
15.09.2017 14:00
Launch of first UN global assessment on hunger and malnutrition in the SDG era
Press Conference: The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017
Five UN agencies – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development [...]
15.09.2017 12:15
Closing ceremony starting at 1.00 PM (Salvador time)
Regional symposium on sustainable food systems for healthy eating:
The Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Symposium on sustainable food systems for healthy eating offers the opportunity to consider the challenges [...]
07.09.2017 21:00
Opening ceremony starting at 4.00 PM (Salvador time)
Regional symposium on sustainable food systems for healthy eating
Ceremonia de apertura: 4.00 PM (Hora de El Salvador) The Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Symposium on sustainable food systems for [...]
05.09.2017 23:59
CFS Evaluation Event - Friday Afternoon Session
This event is a global discussion on the follow-up to the CFS Evaluation. The meeting will discuss and agree on [...]
14.07.2017 14:00
Food Systems Policy Tool for better nutrition
The Global Panel’s new Food Systems Policy Tool (the Tool) aims to guide policymakers through a step-by-step process to identify [...]
14.07.2017 11:00
CFS Evaluation Event - Friday Morning Session
This event is a global discussion on the follow-up to the CFS Evaluation. The meeting will discuss and agree on [...]
14.07.2017 09:30
Investment Days 2017 - Invest in Sharing. The 8th edition of the TCI annual staff event . Day 2, afternoon session
FAO Investment Centre is hosting its eighth internal knowledge sharing event, Investment Days 2017, on 12 and 13 July at [...]
13.07.2017 14:00
Investment Days 2017 - Invest in Sharing. The 8th edition of the TCI annual staff event . Day 2, morning session
FAO Investment Centre is hosting its eighth internal knowledge sharing event, Investment Days 2017, on 12 and 13 July at [...]
13.07.2017 08:45
Investment Days 2017 - Invest in Sharing. The 8th edition of the TCI annual staff event . Day 1, afternoon session
FAO Investment Centre is hosting its eighth internal knowledge sharing event, Investment Days 2017, on 12 and 13 July at [...]
12.07.2017 14:00
Investment Days 2017 - Invest in Sharing. The 8th edition of the TCI annual staff event . Day 1, morning session
FAO Investment Centre is hosting its eighth internal knowledge sharing event, Investment Days 2017, on 12 and 13 July at [...]
12.07.2017 08:45
CFS Evaluation Event - Tuesday Afternoon Session
This event is a global discussion on the follow up to the CFS Evaluation. The meeting will discuss the consultation [...]
11.07.2017 14:00
CFS Evaluation Event - Tuesday Morning Session
This event is a global discussion on the follow up to the CFS Evaluation. The meeting will discuss the consultation [...]
11.07.2017 09:30
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2017. Press Conference
The OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2017-2026 will be published on Monday 10 July. The report analyses the outlook for agriculture production, [...]
10.07.2017 12:30
FAO Conference 40th Session
FAO Conference - Closing
Closing of the 40th session of the Conference. Adoption of the report of: Commission I Commission II Plenary  
07.07.2017 16:40
FAO Conference 40th Session
Blue Ocean, Blue Growth: People, Resources, Innovation
FAO CONFERENCE 40TH SESSION - Side Event Following a review of FAO’s participation in the recent UN Ocean Conference, this event [...]
07.07.2017 15:00
FAO Conference 40th Session
Innovation in Plant Breeding for Food Security and Nutrition
FAO CONFERENCE 40TH SESSION - Side Event   The side event will bring together views from public and private research; and policy [...]
07.07.2017 14:00
FAO Conference 40th Session
China - FAO South-South Cooperation: Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Development
FAO CONFERENCE 40TH SESSION - Side Event   FAO’s South-South Cooperation Programme (SSC), under the FAO Framework, has been going on for [...]
06.07.2017 18:25
FAO Conference 40th Session
Global Health Security ‐ A Unique Momentum for Success, an Urgent Need for a One Health Approach
FAO CONFERENCE 40TH SESSION - Side Event   The purpose of the side event is to raise awareness, share information and initiate [...]
06.07.2017 17:00
FAO Conference 40th Session
Making Agriculture and Food Systems Nutrition‐sensitive and Climate-smart: A win‐win for the Sustainable Development Goals
FAO CONFERENCE 40TH SESSION - Side Event   Ensuring a better integration of nutrition considerations in climate change planning processes and an [...]
06.07.2017 15:30
FAO Conference 40th Session
Partnering to Scale up Climate Action by Countries in the Agricultural Sectors
FAO CONFERENCE 40TH SESSION - Side Event   The side event will bring together high-level speakers and attendees from FAO, partner organizations [...]
06.07.2017 15:30
FAO Conference 40th Session
The role of Parliamentarians in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 - Eradicating hunger, food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition
FAO CONFERENCE 40TH SESSION - Side Event   The Side Event proposed will focus on the role of south-south cooperation as a [...]
06.07.2017 14:00
FAO Conference 40th Session
Mobilizing Agriculture and Rural Development as an Adaptation Alternative to Climate-induced Migration
FAO CONFERENCE 40TH SESSION - Side Event   The side event will provide opportunitiesfor FAO to raise awareness on the role of [...]
06.07.2017 14:00
FAO Conference 40th Session
Launch of the Sustainable Food Systems Interagency Umbrella
FAO CONFERENCE 40TH SESSION - Side Event   The UN 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP) [...]
06.07.2017 12:30
FAO Conference 40th Session
Looking for Sustainable Solutions to Fight Famine in Conflict Situations
FAO CONFERENCE 40TH SESSION - Side Event   To brief member countries on the latest food security situation in northeastern Nigeria, Somalia, [...]
06.07.2017 12:30
FAO Conference 40th Session
FAO Awards Ceremony
FAO CONFERENCE 40TH SESSION - Side Event   Programme Welcome from José Graziano da Silva, Director-General, FAO. Moderator:  Enrique Yeves, Director, Office for Corporate Communication, FAO. Marcela [...]
05.07.2017 18:00
FAO Conference 40th Session
Leaving No One Behind: Achieving Gender Equality for Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture
FAO CONFERENCE 40TH SESSION - Side Event   This Special Event will build on the outcomes and the deliberations of several events [...]
05.07.2017 12:30
FAO Conference 40th Session
FAO's role in supporting the implementation of the Peace Agreement in Colombia: Advances and challenges
FAO CONFERENCE 40TH SESSION - Side Event   This event seeks to make an update on the progress made regarding FAO’s role [...]
05.07.2017 08:30