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Title Date Starting Time
CFS Evaluation Meeting (afternoon session)
Discussion of the report documenting the implementation of the response to the evaluation recommendations (Evaluation Plan of Action).
23.04.2018 14:00
CFS Evaluation Meeting (morning session)
Discussion of the report documenting the implementation of the response to the evaluation recommendations (Evaluation Plan of Action).
23.04.2018 09:30
20.04.2018 14:30
Communicating FAO’s Major Themes: the Example of EL PAÍS
The new collection of books "The State of the Planet" will be presented during the event. This is a joint [...]
20.04.2018 11:30
CPM-13 Special Topic Session: Plant Health and Environmental Protection
Plant Health and Environment Protection Pine Wood Nematode and ISPM 15 implementation Human and Plant Health Interaction, influenced by Climate Change Pacific Islands [...]
19.04.2018 15:00
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) International Forum - Afternoon Session 3
Session 3: Presentation of new GIAHS site and Review of GIAHS Activities. Moderator tbd. The Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) [...]
19.04.2018 14:30
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) International Forum - Side Event
Side Event: Lessons learned, increased biodiversity and climate resilience in Tea GIAHS sites in China.   The Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems [...]
19.04.2018 13:00
CPM -13 Side Session: International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) Partners Information Event
IPPC introductory remarks FAO practices in partnering for international years promotion Status of IYH proclamation and how you can support Vision of international [...]
19.04.2018 12:30
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) International Forum - Morning Sessions 1 and 2
Session 1: Country Experiences on GIAHS and Lessons Learned. Moderator: Mr. Castro (CBD) Session 2: Certificate of Newly Designated GIAHS sites [...]
19.04.2018 10:30
CPM -13 Side Session: Resource Mobilization for Plant Health
IPPC Introductory remarks Introduction of the session and of the IPPC Guide to Resource Mobilization Partnering for IPPC FAO resource mobilization and the [...]
18.04.2018 18:00
Improving diets in an era of food market transformation
Launch of the policy brief “Improving diets in an era of food market transformation: Challenges and opportunities for engagement between [...]
18.04.2018 14:30
CPM -13 Side Session: Collaboration with Research Organizations
Introductory remarks International research collaboration: from efficient use of resources to wider adoption of results Euphresco, an opportunity for phytosanitary research coordination [...]
18.04.2018 13:00
CPM -13 Side Session: Gene Sequencing and Molecular Technologies
12:50-12:55 IPPC introductory remarks12:55-13:05 Introduction 13:05-13:20 Gene sequencing and molecular technologies in plant pests diagnostics: introduction 13:20-13:40 Practical application on [...]
17.04.2018 12:30
CPM -13 Side Session: Plant Health and Environmental Protection
Strengthening collaboration for Plant Health and achieving Aichi Biodiversity Targets by 2020 at all levels 17:00 IPPC Introductory remarks17:05 Collaboration of [...]
16.04.2018 17:00
CPM - 13 Opening Session
FAO Opening Statement of the Minister of Agriculture of Australia (video) Keynote Address on Plant Health and Environment Protection
16.04.2018 14:00
Sheikh Zayed centre (FAO HQ)
International Forum on Solar Technologies - Closing Session
Short reports by rapporteurs about the happenings of the day and take away messages: Plenary discussion towards a vision for [...]
13.04.2018 15:30
German room (FAO HQ)
International Forum on Solar Technologies - Parallel Session Day 2 (PM)
Block IV: Enabling environment – policies, incentives, rules and regulations. Strategic policy instruments to promote and regulate solar irrigation technologies. [...]
13.04.2018 13:30
Ethiopia room (FAO HQ)
International Forum on Solar Technologies - Parallel Session Day 2 (PM)
Block IV: Enabling environment – policies, incentives, rules and regulations. Workshop: A vision for the sustainable use of solar-powered technologies. [...]
13.04.2018 13:30
German room (FAO HQ)
International Forum on Solar Technologies - Parallel Session Day 2 (AM)
Block III: Opportunities for water management. The promise of solar desalinization. 
13.04.2018 09:45
Ethiopia room (FAO HQ)
International Forum on Solar Technologies - Parallel Session Day 2 (AM)
Block III: Opportunities for water management. Solar technologies as an opportunity, not a liability, for water resources. 
13.04.2018 09:45
International Forum on Solar Technologies - Welcome to Day 2 and recap of Day 1
Welcome to Day 2 and recap of Day 1. Innovation in international development. Shifting the focus back on smart investments for small-scale [...]
13.04.2018 09:00
German room (FAO HQ)
International Forum on Solar Technologies - Parallel Sessions Day 1
Block I: Innovative finance, investment and business models to make solar technologies viable for small-scale farmers. What financial models work [...]
12.04.2018 13:30
Ethiopia room (FAO HQ)
International Forum on Solar Technologies - Parallel Sessions Day 1
Block I: Innovative finance, investment and business models to make solar technologies viable for small-scale farmers. Innovative business models for solar-powered [...]
12.04.2018 13:30
International Forum on Solar Technologies - Opening Session
Welcome notes and presentation on “Renewable energy through the nexus Water Energy Food (WEF), for local communities: SDG compliance as [...]
12.04.2018 10:00
2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AGROECOLOGY: Scaling up Agroecology to achieve the SDGs
High Level Segment
All times refer to Rome time.   14h00-14h30:  Plenary Synthesis and way forward - Scaling Up Agroecology Initiative and “Recommendations/Communique” 14h30-16h45:   High Level Panel on [...]
05.04.2018 14:00
2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AGROECOLOGY: Scaling up Agroecology to achieve the SDGs
Partnership for Scaling-up Agroecology Initiative
05.04.2018 09:00
2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AGROECOLOGY: Scaling up Agroecology to achieve the SDGs
Day conclusion and Plenary discussion
All times refer to Rome time.   17h15-18h30: Plenary discussion on a draft symposium “Recommendations/Communiqué”   .
04.04.2018 17:15
2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AGROECOLOGY: Scaling up Agroecology to achieve the SDGs
Interactive Panel discussions on Agroecology and Emerging Opportunities
04.04.2018 14:00
2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AGROECOLOGY: Scaling up Agroecology to achieve the SDGs
Interactive Panel discussions on Agroecology and Emerging Opportunities
04.04.2018 14:00
2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AGROECOLOGY: Scaling up Agroecology to achieve the SDGs
Parallel Session on National Experiences on Agroecology to Achieve the SDGs
All times refer to Rome time.   09h00-11h00: PRESENTATION OF SUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCES FOR SCALING UP Interactive Panel discussions on Agroecology and Emerging Opportunities 11h00-12h30: [...]
04.04.2018 09:00
2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AGROECOLOGY: Scaling up Agroecology to achieve the SDGs
Parallel Session on National Experiences on Agroecology to Achieve the SDGs
All times refer to Rome time.   09h00-11h00 PRESENTATION OF SUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCES FOR SCALING UP   Interactive Panel discussions on Agroecology and Emerging Opportunities   11h00-12h30 [...]
04.04.2018 09:00
Opening Plenary and Regional Synthesis
2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AGROECOLOGY: Scaling up Agroecology to achieve the SDGs
All times refer to Rome time.   Opening Plenary   - 14h30-14h40 OPENING REMARKS  Mr José Graziano da Silva, Director-General –Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - 14h40-14h50 [...]
03.04.2018 14:30
CFS Evaluation Meeting
Discussion on implementation of evaluation recommendations 1, 2, 6, and 10.
29.03.2018 09:30
CFS - OEWG on Nutrition Meeting
Discussion of the Terms of Reference for CFS policy convergence work on nutrition.
28.03.2018 09:30
Monitoring the Right to Food Guidelines
Taking the opportunity of the CFS Global Thematic Event on the Right to Food Guidelines, this informal half-day workshop will [...]
23.03.2018 09:00
World Water Day 2018
An international day to celebrate freshwater was recommended at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. The U.N. [...]
22.03.2018 12:00
Launch of the Global Report on Food Crises 2018 and Joint FAO/WFP Briefing of the Members on the situation in the Sahel
On 22 March, the 2018 Global Report on Food Crises will be at FAO headquarters, Rome. The Report draws attention [...]
22.03.2018 09:30
International Day of Forests 2018: Forests and Sustainable Cities – FAO Headquarters special event
With the 2030 Agenda recognizing urban sustainability as a key contributor to the success of the Sustainable Development Goals, this [...]
21.03.2018 11:30
CFS - OEWG on SDGs Meeting
Finalization of the CFS contribution to the high level political forum 2018.
20.03.2018 14:00
CFS Evaluation Meeting
Discussion on implementation of evaluation recommendations 5, 7 and 11
20.03.2018 09:30
UNRWA: United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Press conference of the Extraordinary Ministerial Conference in support of UNRWA
A press conference with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, plus the Foreign Ministers of the co-hosting countries H.E. Ayman Safadi of [...]
15.03.2018 12:30
Afternoon Session
ESS Divisional Meeting: 1 March 2018
A meeting of the Statistics Division providing team members the opportunity to discuss the divisional workplans for 2018.
01.03.2018 14:00
Morning Session
ESS Divisional Meeting: 1 March 2018
A meeting of the Statistics Division providing team members the opportunity to discuss the divisional workplans for 2018.
01.03.2018 09:00
Khartoum time GMT+2
30th FAO Regional Conference for Africa - Session 6
30th FAO Regional Conference for Africa.   “Sustainable development of agriculture and food systems in Africa: improving the means of production and [...]
23.02.2018 13:30
Khartoum time GMT+2
30th FAO Regional Conference for Africa - Session 5
30th FAO Regional Conference for Africa.   “Sustainable development of agriculture and food systems in Africa: improving the means of production and [...]
23.02.2018 07:30
Khartoum time GMT+2
30th FAO Regional Conference for Africa - Session 4
30th FAO Regional Conference for Africa.   “Sustainable development of agriculture and food systems in Africa: improving the means of production and [...]
22.02.2018 15:00
Forestry International Conference
"Halting Deforestation and Increase Forest Area – from Aspiration to Action” - Day 3
Organized by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), the international conference “Working across Sectors to Halt Deforestation and Increase Forest [...]
22.02.2018 14:30
Khartoum time GMT+2
30th FAO Regional Conference for Africa - Session 3
30th FAO Regional Conference for Africa.   “Sustainable development of agriculture and food systems in Africa: improving the means of production and [...]
22.02.2018 08:00
Forestry International Conference
"Halting Deforestation and Increase Forest Area – from Aspiration to Action” - Day 2
Organized by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), the international conference “Working across Sectors to Halt Deforestation and Increase Forest [...]
21.02.2018 11:00
Khartoum time GMT+2
30th FAO Regional Conference for Africa - Session 2
30th FAO Regional Conference for Africa.   “Sustainable development of agriculture and food systems in Africa: improving the means of production and [...]
21.02.2018 07:30