World Programme for the Census of Agriculture

Technical review meeting on the 2020 World Programme for the Census of Agriculture

7 - 8 November 2014, FAO Headquarters, Rome

The FAO statistics division has organized an expert consultation meeting on the new 2020 World Programme for the Census of Agriculture’’. The two-day meeting included presentations on the main changes from the previous programme and discussions.


The aim of the meeting was to gather expert opinion on the first draft of the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture (WCA 2020). The meeting followed consultations carried out with countries and international organizations at regional and international meetings including the International Advisory Group on FAO Statistics and FAO Regional Meetings. The WCA 2020 was presented for validation to experts and partners. The conclusions and recommendations of the meeting provided a critical input to the finalization of the new Programme.


International experts and representatives from international organizations, and technical experts from FAO headquarters and regional offices participated in the meeting.