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Country Leaflet

SímboloTítuloa partir deaPresupuesto total
TCP/IRA/4001 Technical assistance to improve Integrated Pest Management (IPM) of date palm key insect pests and diseases 2024 2026420,000$
TCP/IRA/3902 Control of food authenticity and management of food supply chain for successful achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2024 2025233,000$
TCP/IRA/3901 Improving Pistachio`s production and export through establishment of integrated product management 2023 2025415,000$
SímboloTítuloa partir deaPresupuesto total
GCP /IRA/069/GCR Strengthening Irans access to GCF with national ownership, knowledge-based policies and sound technologies 2024 2026909,270$