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SímboloTítuloa partir deaPresupuesto total
TCP/DRK/4001 Development and introduction of Slow Release Fertilizer (SRF) production technology 2024 2026250,000$
TCP/DRK/4002 Support for the introduction of IPM for stable fruit production and improvement of nutrition 2024 2026300,000$
TCP/DRK/4003 Support for the introduction of innovative irrigation approaches to improve crop production 2024 2026300,000$
TCP/DRK/4004 Support for the development and introduction of progenitor production technology of Proteinic Insect (Black Soldier Fly) for sustainable organic farming 2024 2026280,000$
TCP/DRK/3902 Technical support for the improved animal feed production in cooperative farms 2023 2025300,000$
TCP/DRK/3903 Technical support for improved wheat/barley production under double cropping system 2023 2025300,000$
TCP/DRK/3904 Supporting the technology of Mandarin fish farming by establishing food-chain in the Yonpung Lake 2023 2025300,000$
TCP/DRK/3901 Strengthening digital agriculture ecosystem and developing e-agriculture solutions 2022 2025300,000$
SímboloTítuloa partir deaPresupuesto total