Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


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Article de blog
Modernizing food safety while preserving traditions in Serbia

FAO and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development help update food safety measures for smallholders’ traditional culinary products
Miloš Pajić follows a recipe over 250 years old to make the local spicy smoked sausages for which the village of Backi Petrovac in northern Serbia’s Vojvodina region is renowned. He also follows the new food safety regulations, drawn up by the government with the support of FAO and the...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
The Republic of Serbia joins the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission

The Republic of Serbia is the latest country to join the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission. Jelena Tanaskovic, Serbia’s Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, informed QU Dongyu, the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), of the country’s decision to join EIFAAC...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

« Tout ce que nous consommons vient de nos parcelles » : au Sénégal, l’agroécologie au service de l’indépendance des femmes

A perte de vue, des acacias et des baobabs peuplent la savane poussiéreuse du bassin arachidier, cette large zone d’agriculture pluviale située au centre du Sénégal. Mais à l’approche du village de Tawafal, 120 km à l’est de Dakar, c’est un autre paysage qui attire l’œil du visiteur : six hectares de...

Article de blog
Promoting local cattle breed enhances sustainability in mountainous areas of Serbia

Known for their smaller size and brown colour, Busha cattle have withstood the harsh climate and living conditions in mountainous parts of the Balkan Peninsula for centuries. In Serbia, the Busha breed is not only an important element of animal genetic diversity, but also a source of food and income...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
Serbian hunters receive training on African swine fever and hunting biosecurity

This summer, FAO, in collaboration with Vojvodinasume and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), has already held nine training events for hunters on African swine fever (ASF) at various locations in Serbia, with today being the tenth and last. The trainings were organized upon the request of Serbia...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Smallholders and family farms in Serbia

The background for conducting country study on the challenges, needs and constraints of smallholders and family farms in the Republic of Serbia has been a wish to further strengthen the Regional Initiative on Empowering Smallholders and Family Farms and develop it towards a stronger programmatic approach at both the regional...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
EBRD, FAO continue raising food safety standards in Serbia while preserving traditions

The Serbian Government has recently approved hygiene bylaws on food products of plant origin, in line with EU legislation, that include flexibility measures and derogations for traditional food products. Under this new legislation, Serbian producers can continue following traditional methods for making and selling food products based on fruits, vegetables and...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
Geographical indication to sweeten the deal for Serbian producers

Serbia has a dynamic horticulture industry. But with increased competition from the European Union, Serbian producers need to find ways to get an edge in the market, both at home and abroad. Recently the country’s renowned Oblačinka from Oblačina sour cherry and Arilje raspberry received geographical indication (GI) status in line...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
Serbia taps FAO expertise in forestry

A high-level conference in Belgrade  marks the first stage in a recently-begun four-year commitment on the part of FAO. A project worth US$3.75 million, financed by the Global Environment Facility, or GEF, is directed towards the long-term sustainability of forest ecosystems in Serbia. Main components and expected results of the project...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Fair of traditional dry cured meet – Prosciutto “Prsutijada 2017”

his year for the 17th time the Fair of dry-cured meet prosciutto or popular as “Prsutijada 2017″ was organized from February 10th till 12th in the village Mackat, Serbia. More than 10.000 domestic and international visitors visited this event. The aim of this event was to promote traditional processing of meat products from...

14th Meeting of the Stakeholders’ Group for the Cross – border region of “Drina-Sava”

The fourteenth Stakeholders' Group Meeting for "Drina-Sava" cross-border region was attended by 30 participants, representatives of the stakeholder group of the cross-border region “Drina-Sava” and SWG project team.
2016 - SWG RRD

Article de blog
Small-scale producers in Serbia learn to adapt to climate change

How can small-scale agricultural producers cope with the effects of climate change, reduce their exposure to risk, and manage their farms more efficiently? A series of training sessions launched recently in Serbia covers these very topics. Agricultural producers in Serbia have been affected by extreme weather events in recent months and...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Article de blog
Country envoys visit Albania and Serbia for a first-hand view of FAO’s work

FAO Permanent Representatives of Australia, Chile, Kuwait, Japan, Libya, Russian Federation, USA, and the European Union are on a field visit to of Albania and Serbia this week. By visiting FAO project sites and talking with farmers, national officials, FAO partners, other UN agencies and FAO teams on the ground,...
Albania - Serbia
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Article de blog
Serbian agriculture learning to adapt to climate change

Adapting to climate change and reducing the risk of disaster are topics of intense interest for anyone involved in agriculture in Serbia. In cooperation with the European Union, Serbia’s Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection and local self-governments, FAO ran two training workshops on these issues earlier this month. Participants in...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Article de blog
Red Gold – from EU and FAO – yields fruit in Serbia this season

The four-member family Petrovic from Prnjavor near the town of Sabac, has been growing raspberies for years, agriculture being the only source of income for the family. Jovan, his wife Gordana and two sons Milan and Ivan, college students, cultivate maize, soybean, wheat and clover on 3,3 hectares of their...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

ALTER – Active Local Territories for Economic development of Rural Areas

ALTER is implemented by a consortium of rural networks in Western Balkan countries and Turkey, encouraged and supported by Prepare – Partnership for Rural Europe. The goal of ALTER is to stimulate an enabling legal and financial environment for civil society, as well as to empower civil society to be effective...
Albania - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Croatia - Latvia - Montenegro - Serbia - North Macedonia
2016 - Prepare – Partnership for Rural Europe

Article de blog
Spring planting gets under way in Serbia, with help from the EU, FAO

Just in time for spring sowing season, FAO delivered over 67 tonnes of maize, alfalfa and red clover seed to more than 4 500 farmers in 17 municipalities in eastern, central and western Serbia. Farmers received seeds and fertilizer during March and April and immediately got down to business –...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Rapid needs assessment of the agricultural sector

Floods 2016 - Serbia
Agriculture is a very important economic sector in Serbia, as it accounts for some 9 percent of the total gross national income. In comparison, in the 27 EU countries the percentage of agricultural production lies below 3 percent of the gross national product.  Serbia is highly exposed and vulnerable to natural...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization for the United Nations

Serbia learning to reduce and manage disaster risk

Last year’s floods in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina serve as an example of how natural disasters can devastate the agricultural sector and farming-based livelihoods of millions of people.   In order to learn from the past and prepare for the future, a training workshop on disaster risk reduction and management was...
2015 - FAO-REU

Galerie de photos
Serbia Rallies to Grow Again - FAO and the European Union help farming families recover from 2014's devastating floods

After last spring’s record rainfall in Southeast Europe, Serbia watched historic floods submerge towns and overrun the countryside. Rural villages and farms took the brunt of the impact, as high water and landslides drowned livestock, destroyed crop seed and animal feed supplies, and washed away newly sown fields along with...
2015 - FAO Europe and central Asia
Total results:42
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