FAOLEX Database


Date of text: 07 March 2018


Cultivated plants

Date of text: 21 January 2017
Date of text: 23 April 2016
Date of text: 16 December 2009
Date of text: 02 July 2016
Date of text: 10 December 2016


Date of text: 25 January 2007
Date of text: 18 February 2017

Food and nutrition

Date of text: 19 July 2016
Date of text: 28 February 2011

Land and soil

Date of text: 15 April 2017
Date of text: 07 January 2001
Date of text: 08 December 2018
Date of text: 08 October 2000


Date of text: 05 September 2017
Date of text: 02 July 2016
Date of text: 07 January 2001
Date of text: 11 October 2014
Date of text: 01 April 2014

Wild species and ecosystems

Date of text: 07 January 2001


Date of text: 05 January 1977
Date of text: 13 October 2020
Date of text: 30 October 1974
Date of text: 06 January 1959
Date of text: 31 March 2018

International Agreements

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