FAOLEX Database


Date of text: 01 July 2021
Date of text: 01 February 2019


Cultivated plants

Date of original text: 13 July 1987 (2011)
Date of original text: 14 September 1994 (1996)
Date of original text: 28 February 1983 (2002)


Date of original text: 01 July 1964 (2004)
Date of original text: 01 April 2002 (2003)
Date of original text: 01 April 2002 (2005)
Date of original text: 26 March 1997 (1999)


Date of original text: 15 October 1996 (1998)
Date of original text: 05 March 1942 (1997)
Date of original text: 02 August 2001 (2003)
Date of original text: 19 September 1944 (1999)


Date of original text: 03 November 1949 (1973)
Date of original text: 15 October 1948 (2011)
Date of original text: 14 May 1942 (1973)
Date of original text: 22 April 1904 (1997)


Date of original text: 28 July 1998 (2003)
Date of original text: 28 November 1996 (1998)
Date of original text: 04 January 1993 (2002)


Date of original text: 01 April 1996 (1998)
Date of original text: 22 August 1963 (2005)
Date of original text: 01 April 1963 (1993)
Date of original text: 13 March 1958 (1998)
Date of original text: 23 November 1949 (2004)

Wild species and ecosystems

Date of original text: 05 July 1991 (1993)
Date of original text: 20 September 1945 (2001)
Date of original text: 28 June 1985 (1993)
Date of original text: 01 April 1955 (2001)


Date of original text: 2002 (2003)
Date of original text: 01 October 1950 (1995)
Date of original text: 21 February 1985 (2003)
Date of text: 21 June 2017

International Agreements

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