FAO Terminology Portal

Fire management

This online thematic collection contains the FAO Fire Management Glossary in English, French and Spanish. Some entries may contain Arabic, Chinese and Russian, but terminology in these languages will require further research and development in the future.

The concepts have been selected from FAO and international documents and publications on fire management, but most terms originate from the Wildland Fire Management Terminology 1986-2005, updated in 2010, and the Fire Management Voluntary Guidelines. Principles and Strategic Actions. Fire Management Working Paper 17 (also available at www.fao.org/forestry/site/35853/en).

Through ongoing cooperation between the Forest Resources Development Service, FOMR, and the Language Support Group of CPAM, this glossary comprises all existing FAO terminologies on fire management from the above noted sources and from the FAOTERM terminology database. As at September 2010, the collection consists of 1351 concepts with synonyms, variants, definitions, remarks and context fields, where appropriate. This consolidation of terms in an online system with fully flexible workflow capabilities will facilitate an easier and enhanced development and validation of terms and definitions from fire management terminology discussions and developments in the long term.  The system permits immediate downloading and glossary creation in various formats (pdf, Excel, xml, tbx). It should be noted that fire management involves many disciplines and subdomains such as: ecosystem management; forest management; deforestation; forest degradation and destruction of livelihoods, biodiversity and insfrastructure.

It has therefore been necessary to restrict selection of terms to those directly related to FAO’s areas of work, as well as to the most commonly used concepts in the domain.

FAO pays particular attention to enhance language use and to standardize technical terminology for its meetings, documentation and publications. It also promotes standard best practices for terminology management and storage, facilitating growth, interoperability and exchange.

This Glossary will serve to facilitate multilingual communication and documentation in FAO's long-term objective of enhancing land use policy, rural livelihoods, economic resilience and environmental integrity regarding international cooperation on fire management.

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