Глобальная оценка лесных ресурсов

FRA 2010 country reporting process

The backbone of FRA 2010 was the country reporting process, where the best available and most recent information from all countries and territories was compiled and analysed.

As with FRA 2005, each country report was compiled by an officially nominated national correspondent who was assisted by a team of national experts. The national correspondents received training through a series of workshops. During the reporting process, the FRA secretariat reviewed the draft reports and gave technical advice on how to analyze national data to obtain the requested information. The final submission was subjected to a validation process that ensured that reported figures could be published as official country information.

The country reporting to FRA 2010 consisted of 17 national reporting tables.

In order to facilitate the preparation of the country reports, the FRA secretariat provided countries with a report template that was pre-filled with information from FRA 2005. The national correspondent carefully revised the pre-filled information and updated and amended sections where new information was available.

Kotka V

Kotka V

Process documents

Terms & Definitions
Guidelines for Country Reporting to FRA 2010
Specification of National Reporting Tables for FRA 2010