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GIEWS - النظام العالمي للمعلومات والإنذار المبكر

ملخصات البلاد


Reference Date: 29-July-2016

The entire land area of the country is 300 square km of which some 4 000 hectares are considered arable. Virtually no cereals are produced, therefore, the population, estimated at 369 810 (FAOSTAT, 2016), is heavily dependent on imports to meet the cereal food consumption needs. Cereal imports in the 2016 are forecast at 57 500 tonnes (including 26 000 tonnes of rice and about 31 500 tonnes of wheat), some 12 percent above the high level of the previous year, mainly as a result of strong domestic demand. The country has a very productive fishery sector, which provides a good portion of locally‑produced food, as well as, income. Overall, the food security situation is satisfactory.