Bilans régionaux

Afrique De L’est
Prices of coarse grains followed mixed trends in June, July and August 2024 in the subregion. Prices reached new record highs in the Sudan and in South Sudan, underpinned by tight supplies and severe macroeconomic difficulties, including currency weakness. In the [...]
Afrique Australe
Prices of maize, the main food staple, and food prices more broadly are under the dual pressures of tighter local supplies following the drought‑reduced cereal harvests and weak currencies in several countries that are intensifying imported inflation.   In South Africa, driven [...]
Asie de L’est
In August 2024, domestic rice prices showed mixed trends month‑on‑month and were above their year-earlier levels, mostly driven by high production and transport costs along with output declines in some countries.   In Thailand, wholesale rice prices declined in August, reflecting [...]
Europe orientale, Caucase et Asie centrale
Wheat export prices in the Russian Federation declined slightly in August 2024 compared to the previous month, marking the second consecutive month of decline due to subdued export activities though this was partly offset by lower-than-expected spring wheat harvest prospects, [...]
Amérique Centrale Et Caraïbes
Wholesale prices of white maize exhibited mixed trends across the subregion in August 2024. In Guatemala (Guatemala City) and El Salvador, wholesale prices of white maize remained stable month‑on‑month in August 2024, after an increase of about 7 percent in July [...]
Amérique Du Sud
Wholesale prices of yellow maize remained steady or increased in August 2024 in the subregion, mostly due to lower-than-expected output from the winter season harvest.   In Brazil, wholesale yellow maize prices increased moderately month‑on‑month in August, reflecting tight supplies from the [...]
Afrique De L’ouest
Les prix des céréales secondaires ont augmenté dans la plupart des pays du Sahel en juillet et août 2024, tandis qu’ils ont observé des tendances contrastées dans les pays situés le long du golfe de Guinée. Dans certains pays de [...]