Alianza Mundial por el Suelo

World Soil Day 2020 - Thank you to all soil fans!

FAO and its Global Soil Partnership wish to thank all of you! Without your activism, we could never reached such a large appeal. 


Concerted action across up to 105 countries and hundreds of million participants is what makes World Soil Day one of the most celebrated UN Observances. For its latest edition ‘Keep soil alive, Protect soil biodiversity', more than 780 events brought together governments, businesses, NGOs, youth, the media, and the public. Rome, New York, Bangkok, Abu Dhabi, Moscow held official ceremonies while twenty-one FAO regional, sub-regional and country offices actively supported the campaign.

Read the Magical World of Soil Biodiversity



The media coverage was strong - reaching 891 million users - roughly 2 in 10 persons worldwide. More than 500 online articles were detected globally between 3 and 7 December with most exposure coming from Asia, North America, and Europe. Broadcast-wise, WSD have had a great pick-up from BBC,, al-Jazeera. FAO’s press release presenting the launch of the "State of knowledge on soil biodiversity: Status, challenges and potentialities. Main report" and its "Summary for policy makers" were a source of media interest and major outlets such as the New York Times, the Guardian, Xinhuanet, National Geographic, Science, and le Monde gave prominence to soil and biodiversity on 5 December.


The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) won the King Bhumibol World Soil Day Award and while Mr Luca Montanarella, European Commission won the Glinka World Soil Prize 2020.


The dedicated website and corporate web pages on were updated with new content available in 16 languages and new initiatives (see here). The hits: (1) ‘Soils should have rights too’, (2) ‘It’s alive! Soil is much more than you think’, the webcast of the virtual event, and the Director-General's speech are available online. The WSD logo is currently available for download in 100 languages. The joint work of soil scientists and designers scored success at the book contest for children on soil biodiversity.


During the campaign, FAO soil-related websites totalized around 4 million page views. Over 33 900 total users visited WSD related content on during the period 4-7 December. The web traffic had an increase of 4 times more than the usual average compared to the previous weeks. The highest cumulative traffic came from Asia with 55% of users, then Americas with 25%, and Europe with 16%. with peaks in India, the United States, and Mexico.


On social media, #WorldSoilDay content reached over 308+ million accounts with over 190 multilingual posts (see here all FAO tweets). On the popular Chinese social media platform Weibo, the topic related to WSD reached 8.3 million accounts. The campaign’s video, released on WSD, got over 500 000+ cumulative views on the spot. Promotional videos produced for TikTok reached 42 000 views by 9 December 2020. Over 5 490 accounts around the world shared FAO content.



Read the Magical World of Soil Biodiversity