Improved Pesticides and Chemicals Management in the Former Soviet Union

Outcome 4: Project Management

The project is managed by a team from the FAO Pesticide Risk Reduction Group based at FAO Headquarters in Rome. The FAO team:

  • is headed by the FAO Technical Officer, who fills the role of project coordinator;
  • includes technical experts from each area outlined in the other Outcome descriptions, including pest management, pesticide legislation, integrated pest management, visibility and communications and project administration;
  • is further supported by the regional and sub-regional plant production and protection officers for Eastern Europe and Central Asia based at the FAO offices in Budapest and Ankara; and  
  • is supported by a group of partners each with specific technical skills and experience in the region, including Blacksmith Institute, Green Cross Belarus, Green Cross Switzerland, International HCH and Pesticide Association, Milieukontakt International, PAN UK and Rotterdam convention secretariat.

Implementation of the project is supported by a Programme Technical Committee (PTC) comprising representatives from project partners. Countries are invited to attend meetings to promote discussion on technical issues. The PTC also supports the annual Steering Committee (SC) meeting where all countries will be invited to present on progress and share experiences with other countries.

The SC is chaired jointly by the European Commission DG EuropeAid and Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.