مقاطع إذاعية
مقاطع إذاعية
Soberania Alimentar: por que os povos indígenas fazem a diferença?
16 December 2016--- In this report, traditional ways of producing food are explored as an alternative to the agribusiness model. For indigenous peoples, agriculture is a relationship of respect and exchange with the land. Besides being a different example to the dominant model, natives are great guardians of seeds. Interviewees: Paula Lima Romualdo (CPI-AC), Francisca Arara (indigenous leadership).

Jaqueline Aparecida Deister Moraes, Pulsar Radio Agency, Brasil (in Portuguese).
04دقيقة 40ثانية
الموضوع: إنتاج الغذاء وأرصدته, الأمن الغذائي, تنمية ريفية وزراعية, زراعة ومحاصيل
ن إنتاج: AMARC-FAO
المرجع: 12004