مقاطع إذاعية
مقاطع إذاعية
Increased concern over latest strain of avian influenza in Southeast Asia
©FAO/Bay Ismoyo
22 September 2014, Rome--- A recently-emerged strain of avian influenza virus in poultry in Southeast Asia known as A(H5N6) represents a new threat to animal health and livelihoods and must be closely monitored, FAO said today. Chinese authorities first reported the influenza A(H5N6) virus in poultry in April 2014. Since then, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Viet Nam have also detected the H5N6 virus in poultry. The fact that the virus is highly virulent in chickens and geese and potentially spread across a large part of Southeast Asia translates into a real threat to poultry-related livelihoods. Poultry contributes to the incomes of hundreds of millions of people throughout the subregion.

Dr Juan Lubroth, Chief Veterinary Officer at FAO, elaborates more on the recently-emerged strain of avian influenza virus in poultry in Southeast Asia.
4دقيقة 15ثانية
الموضوع: مقابلة, إنتاج الغذاء \ الأزمات, الأمن الغذائي, التنوّع الوراثي النباتي والحيواني, سلامة الغذاء وحماية المستهلك
ن إنتاج: Sandra Ferrari
المرجع: 10730