
01 Jun 2020
Dashboard houses food systems data from more than 230 countries and territories
Rome/Baltimore/Geneva - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, and The Johns Hopkins Alliance for a Healthier World today launched a new easy-to-navigate online tool designed to help decision makers understand their food systems, identify their levers of change, and decide which ones to pull.
Civil Society
01 Jun 2020
A conflict-sensitive approach to design better interventions
Conflict is currently the main driver of food crises around the world: according to the latest release of The Global Report on Food Crises, 77 million people who suffer from acute food insecurity live in places affected by conflict or insecurity. In addition, over 80 percent of humanitarian and development work is carried out in conflict-affected contexts; with this in mind, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) works actively to mainstream...
01 Jun 2020
On May 4 the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (IHE Delft) with the main objective of developing a range of activities to strengthen and mobilize an educational and knowledge base for integrated water resources management. The collaboration between the two organizations is not new, as in 2014 a previous partnership agreement was signed to formalize the relationship. In this regard, FAO’s technical officer Jippe Hoogeveen, highlighted...
South-south Cooperation
27 May 2020
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is launching today the first of a “Series of Global Webinars: Towards Resilient Family Farming - Solutions from producer organizations”.The virtual meeting is an opportunity to learn about the main impacts of COVID-19 on regional producer organizations and family farms, and to exchange good practices, and solutions to the health crisis caused by COVID-19. Regional organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean are sharing experiences, particularly on financing and savings mechanisms that have...
Resource Partners
26 May 2020
20 мая 2020, Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация ООН (ФАО) значительно расширила сотрудничество с Советом сотрудничества стран Залива подписав (виртуально) два новых соглашения о партнерстве с Министерством продовольственной безопасности Объединённых Арабских Эмиратов (ОАЭ) по проектам преобразования сельскохозяйственного сектора для достижения Целей в области устойчивого развития (ЦУР) и повышения уровня продовольственной безопасности в ОАЭ. Проекты, «Преобразование продовольственного и сельскохозяйственного секторов для достижения ЦУР повышающих уровень продовольственной безопасности и качество питания» (с бюджетом в 3 597 111 долл. США) и «Оценка и стратегический анализ систем контроля пищевых продуктов в Абу-Даби» (с бюджетом в 217771 долл. США), нацелены на создание благоприятной среды для достижения...