
Resource Partners
20 Dec 2017
Belgian funding channelled through the UN bodies will benefit tens of thousands at risk in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Against a backdrop of intense human suffering, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) are joining forces to mitigate some of the effects of conflict in Greater Kasai. The two United Nations agencies will be using US$10 million in Belgian government funding to improve access to food for more than 100,000 people. Some 18,000 households - whether displaced, returnee or host families - stand to benefit.
South-south Cooperation
15 Dec 2017
Nile Basin and bordering countries benefit from two training courses hosted by Egypt’s EICA through South-South Cooperation schemes
14 December 2017, Cairo, Egypt – Two successful pilot training courses to support agricultural development in the Nile Basin countries through knowledge transfer and innovative approaches celebrated their closure today. "We are very pleased with the results achieved. This is just the start of operationalizing the existing MoU between FAO and Egypt to further contribute to knowledge transfer among African countries through South-South Cooperation (SSC)," said Hussein Gadain, the Food and Agriculture...
Civil Society
12 Dec 2017
“We want to stay in rural areas. We want to farm and benefit our communities. We want to be more involved with FAO” said Attila, one of the 18 young farmers trained on global governance mechanisms by FAO and IPC
 Rome, 12 December - FAO and the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) joined forces to guarantee that future farmers, pastoralists and fishers can meaningfully contribute to decision making processes about food and agriculture. The 4-day training applying participative learning methods was successful in increasing young food producer’s knowledge on viable tools and governance mechanisms related to food and agriculture, and in opening up a space for the young IPC members to exchange experiences and engage in dialogue with FAO representatives, sharing ideas, concerns and proposals. As a result of the training, while recognizing the heterogeneous needs among rural youth, young...
12 Dec 2017
Director-General attends One Planet summit in Paris
Resource Partners
11 Dec 2017
Rome, 11 December 2017: With the signing of six agreements with FAO, the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) has made a strong statement in support of the global goals to achieve sufficient and safe food for all, to promote sustainable agriculture and food systems, and to conserve and sustainably use natural resources. To achieve these goals, the initiatives covered by the agreements set out to increase responsible investments in agriculture, to control the introduction and spread of plant pests, to introduce sustainable soil management practices globally, and to maintain the diversity of and access to seeds*.  Switzerland has long been...