
Resource Partners
11 Feb 2021
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Republic of Ireland signed a new Framework Agreement today, consolidating a longstanding collaboration between the two parties in the area of development cooperation.
South-south Cooperation
10 Feb 2021
10/02/2021 The Chinese Lunar New Year is approaching, and this is also the time for Chinese families to reunite. However, the experts dispatched by the FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme Madagascar Project are still holding fast to their position in a foreign country.  Today, let us have a look at their stories. FAO-China South-South SSC Programme Madagascar Project Madagascar, an island country in the southwest of the Indian Ocean, faces the coast of the African continent across the Mozambique Channel. It is a country listed as one of the least developed countries in the world, with its food security situation being particularly worrisome...
Resource Partners
08 Feb 2021
Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций (ФАО) сегодня приветствовала выделение Германией 40 млн евро, чтобы помочь фермерам и рыбакам противостоять таким угрозам, как COVID-19 и экстремальные климатические явления.
South-south Cooperation
04 Feb 2021
04/02/2021 Rome / Praia / Beijing - The FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme has contributed $1.5 million to launch a project in the Republic of Cabo Verde, focused on capacity development for production systems to enhance food and nutrition security in the country.
South-south Cooperation
03 Feb 2021
On the 29th of January 2021, in the context of the initiative Making every voice count for adaptive management, FAO’s Dryland Forestry team and South-South and Triangular Cooperation Division launched the webinar series entitled Navigating the Participatory Approach. The webinars falling under this theme will take place on a bi-monthly basis in order to provide a common place for all countries and stakeholders involved to exchange their views, lessons learned, and experiences related to the learning-by-doing monitoring approach that this initiative offers. In compliance with the purpose of the initiative, the present webinar series is meant...