Le droit à l’alimentation autour du globe

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Protection explicite du droit à une alimentation adéquate
Protection implicite du droit à une alimentation adéquate
Principes directeurs de la politique étatique
L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national
D'autres dispositions concernant la réalisation du droit à une alimentation adéquate
30 pays trouvés


Principes directeurs de la politique étatique

Article 15: “It shall be a fundamental responsibility of the State to attain, through planned economic growth, a constant increase of productive forces and a steady improvement in the material and cultural standard of living of the people, with a view to securing to its citizens-

(a) the provision of the basic necessities of life, including food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care; [...]

Article 18(1): “The State shall regard the raising of the level of nutrition and the improvement of public health as moving its primary duties and in particular shall adopt effective measures to prevent the consumption, except for medical purposes or for such other purposes as may be prescribed by law, of alcoholic and other intoxicating drinks and drugs which are injurious to health [...].”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 11: “The Republic shall be a democracy in which fundamental human rights and freedoms and respect for the dignity and worth of the human person shall be guaranteed, and in which effective participation by the people through their elected representatives in administration at all levels shall be ensured.”


Protection explicite du droit à une alimentation adéquate

Article 6: “Education, health, food, work, housing, transportation, leisure, security, social security, protection of motherhood and childhood, and assistance to the destitute are social rights, as set forth by this Constitution.”

Art. 6º: "São direitos sociais a educação, a saúde, a alimentação, o trabalho, a moradia, o transporte, o lazer, a segurança, a previdência social, a proteção à maternidade e à infância, a assistência aos desamparados, na forma desta Constituição."

Principes directeurs de la politique étatique

Article 208: “The National Government's duty towards education shall be effectuated through the guarantees of (…) VII. educational assistance in all stages of basic education by means of supplemental programs of school books, teaching materials, transportation, nutrition and health care."

Art 208: “O dever do Estado com a educação será efetivado mediante a garantia de:[...] VII - atendimento ao educando, em todas as etapas da educação básica, por meio de programas suplementares de material didáticoescolar, transporte, alimentação e assistência à saúde."


Article 227: “It is the duty of the family, the society and the Government to assure children and adolescents, with absolute priority, the rights to life, health, nourishment, education, leisure, professional training, culture, dignity, respect, liberty and family and community harmony, in addition to safeguarding them against all forms of negligence, discrimination, exploitation, violence, cruelty and oppression.”

Art. 227:  "É dever da família, da sociedade e do Estado assegurar à criança, ao adolescente e ao jovem, com absoluta prioridade, o direito à vida, à saúde, à alimentação, à educação, ao lazer, à profissionalização, à cultura, à dignidade, ao respeito, à liberdade e à convivência familiar e comunitária, além de colocá-los a salvo de toda forma de negligência, discriminação, exploração, violência, crueldade e opressão."

L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Article 5: ". The rules defining fundamental rights and guarantees apply immediately. . The rights and guarantees established in this Constitution do not exclude others derived from the regime and principles adopted by it, or from international treaties to which the Federative Republic of Brazil is a party.  International treaties and conventions on human rights approved by both houses of the National Congress, in two different voting sessions, by three-fifths votes of their respective members, shall be equivalent to Constitutional Amendments."

Art. 5: "1°. As normas definidoras dos direitos e garantias fundamentais têm aplicação imediata.  Os direitos e garantias expressos nesta Constituição não excluem outros decorrentes do regime e dos princípios por ela adotados, ou dos tratados internacionais em que a República Federativa do Brasil seja parte.  Os tratados e convenções internacionais sobre direitos humanos que forem aprovados, em cada Casa do Congresso Nacional, em dois turnos, por três quintos dos votos dos respectivos membros, serão equivalentes às emendas constitucionais."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 7: “The following are rights of urban and rural workers, among others that aim to improve their social conditions: 
IV – nationally unified minimum monthly wage, established by law, capable of satisfying their basic living needs and those of their families with housing, food, education, health, leisure, clothing, hygiene, transportation, and social security, with periodical adjustments to maintain its purchasing power, it being forbidden to use it as an index for any purpose;”

Art. 7º: “São direitos dos trabalhadores urbanos e rurais, além de outros que visem à melhoria de sua condição social: IV - salário mínimo , fixado em lei, nacionalmente unificado, capaz de atender a suas necessidades vitais básicas e às de sua família com moradia, alimentação, educação, saúde, lazer, vestuário, higiene, transporte e previdência social, com reajustes periódicos que lhe preservem o poder aquisitivo, sendo vedada sua vinculação para qualquer fim;"


Principes directeurs de la politique étatique

Article 17: "Le Gouvernement a pour tâche de réaliser les aspirations du peuple burundais, en particulier de guérir les divisions du passé, d’améliorer la qualité de la vie de tous les burundais et de garantir à tous la possibilité de vivre au Burundi à l’abri de la peur, de la discrimination, de la maladie et de la faim."


L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Article 19: "Les droits et devoirs proclamés et garantis par les textes internationaux relatifs aux droits de l'homme régulièrement ratifiés font partie intégrante de la Constitution de la République du Burundi."

Cabo Verde

Principes directeurs de la politique étatique



L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Article 17 (3): “Constitutional and legal norms regarding fundamental rights may be interpreted and integrated in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

Article 17 (3): “As normas constitucionais e legais relativas aos direitos fundamentais devem ser interpretadas e integradas de harmonia com a Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1(1): “Cape Verde is a sovereign, unitary, and democratic Republic, which guarantees respect for the dignity of the human being and recognizes the inviolability and inalienability of Human Rights as the basis of all human community, peace and justice.”

Article 1(1): “ Cabo Verde é uma República soberana, unitária e democrática, que garante o respeito pela dignidade da pessoa humana e reconhece a inviolabilidade e inalienabilidade dos direitos humanos como fundamento de toda a comunidade humana, da paz e da justiça.”


Principes directeurs de la politique étatique

Article 216: 
(3) The State, in pursuing policies under subsection (2), shall be bound by the fundamental rights and freedoms in the Constitution and shall be guided by international human rights instruments to which The Gambia is a signatory and which recognise and apply particular categories of basic human rights to development processes.
(4) The State shall endeavour to facilitate equal access to clean and safe water, adequate health and medical services, habitable shelter, sufficient food and security to all persons.”


Protection explicite du droit à une alimentation adéquate

Artículo 51: “Protección a menores y ancianos - El Estado protegerá la salud física, mental y moral de los menores de edad y de los ancianos. Les garantizará su derecho a la alimentación, salud, educación y seguridad y previsión social.” 

Principes directeurs de la politique étatique

Artículo 99: “Alimentación y nutrición. - El Estado velará porque la alimentación y nutrición de la población reúna los requisitos mínimos de salud. Las instituciones especializadas del Estado deberán coordinar sus acciones entre sí o con organismos internacionales dedicados a la salud, para lograr un sistema alimentario nacional efectivo.” 

L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Artículo 46: “Preeminencia del Derecho Internacional. - Se establece el principio general de que en materia de derechos humanos, los tratados y convenciones aceptados y ratificados por Guatemala, tienen preeminencia sobre el derecho interno.” 

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Artículo 94: “El Estado velará por la salud y la asistencia social de todos los habitantes. Desarrollará, a través de sus instituciones, acciones de prevención, promoción, recuperación, rehabilitación, coordinación y las complementarias pertinentes a fin de procurarles el más completo bienestar físico, mental y social.” 

Artículo 102: “Son derechos sociales mínimos que fundamentan la legislación del trabajo y la actividad de los tribunales y autoridades: 
a) Derecho a la libre elección de trabajo y a condiciones económicas satisfactorias que garanticen el trabajador y a su familia una existencia digna.”

Artículo 119: “Son obligaciones fundamentales del Estado:
d. Velar por la elevación del nivel de vida de todos los habitantes del país procurando el bienestar de la familia.”


Protection explicite du droit à une alimentation adéquate

Artículo 123: “Todo niño deberá gozar de los beneficios de la seguridad social y la educación. Tendrá derecho a crecer et desarrollarse en buena salud, para lo cual deberá proporcionarse, tanto a el como a su madre, cuidados especiales desde el período prenatal, teniendo derecho a disfrutar de alimentación, vivienda, educación, recreo, deportes y servicios médicos adecuados.”

Principes directeurs de la politique étatique

Artículo 347: "La producción agropecuaria debe orientarse preferentemente a la satisfacción de las necesidades alimentarías de la población hondureña, dentro de una política de abastecimiento adecuado y precios justos para el productor y el consumidor."

L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Artículo 16: "Todos los tratados internacionales deben ser aprobados por el Congreso Nacional antes de su ratificación por el Poder Ejecutivo. Los tratados internacionales celebrados por Honduras con otros Estados, una vez que entran en vigor, forman parte del derecho interno. 

Artículo 17: "Cuando un Tratado Internacional afecte una disposición constitucional, debe ser aprobado por el procedimiento que rige la reforma de la Constitución, simultáneamente el precepto constitucional afectado debe ser modificado en el mismo sentido por el mismo procedimiento, antes de ser ratificado el Tratado por el Poder Ejecutivo."

Artículo 18: “En caso de conflicto entre el tratado o convención y la ley prevalecerá el primero.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Artículo 142: "Toda persona tiene derecho a la seguridad de sus medios económicos de subsistencia en caso de incapacidad para trabajar u obtener trabajo retribuido."


Principes directeurs de la politique étatique

Article 47: “Duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health.—The State shall regard the raising of the level of nutrition and the standard of living of its people and the improvement of public health as among its primary duties and, in particular, the State shall endeavour to bring about prohibition of the consumption except for medicinal purposes of intoxicating drinks and of drugs which are injurious to health.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 39: “The State shall, in particular, direct its policy towards securing—

(a) that the citizens, men and women equally, have the right to an adequate means of livelihood.”

Article 43: “The State shall endeavour to secure, by suitable legislation or economic organisation or in any other way, to all workers, agricultural, industrial or otherwise, work, a living wage, conditions of work ensuring a decent standard of life and full enjoyment of leisure and social and cultural opportunities and, in particular, the State shall endeavour to promote cottage industries on an individual or co-operative basis in rural areas.”

Iran (République islamique d')

Principes directeurs de la politique étatique

Article 3: “In order to attain the objectives specified in Article 2, the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has the duty of directing all its resources to the following goals:
12. the planning of a correct and just economic system, in accordance with Islamic criteria in order to create welfare, eliminate poverty, and abolish all forms of deprivation with respect to food, housing, work, health care, and the provision of social insurance for all.” 

Article 43: “The economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, with its objectives of achieving the economic independence of the society, uprooting poverty and deprivation, and fulfilling human needs in the process of development while preserving human liberty, is. based on the following criteria:
1. the provision of basic necessities for all citizens: housing, food, clothing, hygiene, medical treatment, education, and the necessary facilities for the establishment of a family;”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 29: “Every person is entitled to the enjoyment of Social Security. This covers retirement, unemployment, old age, being laid off, being without a guardian, casual misfortune, accidents, and occurrences giving rise to the need for health services and medical care and treatment.”


Principes directeurs de la politique étatique

Article 45.2: "The State shall, in particular, direct its policy towards securing:
i. That the citizens (all of whom, men and women equally, have the right to an adequate means of livelihood) may through their occupations find the means of making reasonable provision for their domestic needs."

L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Article 29: "(6) No international agreement shall be part of the domestic law of the State save as may be determined by the Oireachtas."

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