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Директивные принципы государственной политики

Article 95: “The State shall actively promote and maintain the welfare of the people by adopting, inter alia, policies aimed at the following:
(j) consistent planning to raise and maintain an acceptable level of nutrition and standard of living of the Namibian people and to improve public health”.

Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 144: “Unless otherwise provided by this Constitution or Act of Parliament, the general rules of public international law and international agreements binding upon Namibia under this Constitution shall form part of the law of Namibia.”


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Article 12: "Each one has the right to life, to health, to physical and moral integrity, to a healthy and sufficient food supply, to potable water, to education and instruction in the conditions specified by the law.[...]"

Директивные принципы государственной политики

Article 146: "The action of the State in matters of the policies of economic and social development is supported by a strategic vision. The State makes of the creation of wealth, of growth and of the fight against inequality a major axis of its interventions. The public policies must promote food supply sovereignty, durable development, the access to all to social services as well as the improvement of the quality of life."

Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 171: "The treaties or agreements regularly ratified have, from their publication, an authority superior to that of the laws, subject to, for each agreement or treaty of its application by the other party"


Директивные принципы государственной политики

Article 16(2): “The State shall direct its policy towards ensuring:
(d) that suitable and adequate shelter, suitable and adequate food, reasonable national minimum living wage, old age care and pensions, and unemployment, sick benefits and welfare of the disabled are provided for all citizens.” 

Article 17(3): "The State shall direct its policy towards ensuring that-
(g) provision is made for public assistance in deserving cases or other conditions of need."


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Artículo 63: “Es derecho de los nicaragüenses estar protegidos contra el hambre. El Estado promoverá programas que aseguren una adecuada disponibilidad de alimentos y una distribución equitativa de los mismos.”

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Artículo 82: “Los trabajadores tienen derecho a condiciones de trabajo que les aseguren en especial:
1. Salario igual por trabajo igual en idénticas condiciones […] que les asegure un bienestar compatible con la dignidad humana. 
7. Seguridad social para protección integral y medios de subsistencia en casos de invalidez, vejez, riesgos profesionales, enfermedad y maternidad; y a sus familiares en casos de muerte”.

Директивные принципы государственной политики

Artículo 4: “El Estado promoverá y garantizará los avances de carácter social y político para asegurar el bien común, asumiendo la tarea de promover el desarrollo humano de todos y cada uno de los nicaragüenses, protegiéndolos contra toda forma de explotación, discriminación y exclusión.”

Национальный статус международных обязательств

Artículo 46: “En el territorio nacional toda persona goza de la protección estatal y del reconocimiento de los derechos inherentes a la persona humana, del irrestricto respeto, promoción y protección de los derechos humanos y de la plena vigencia de los derechos consignados en la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos; en la Declaración Americana de Derechos y Deberes del Hombre; en el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales; en el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas; y en la Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos de la Organización de Estados Americanos.”

Artículo 71.2: “La niñez goza de protección especial y de todos los derechos que su condición requiere, por lo cual tiene plena vigencia la Convención Internacional de los Derechos del Niño y la Niña.”


Директивные принципы государственной политики

Article XIV: General social and economic objectives. - “The State shall endeavour to fulfill the fundamental rights of all Ugandans to social justice and economic development and shall, in particular, ensure that- 
 all developmental efforts are directed at ensuring the maximum social and cultural well-being of the people; and 
(b) all Ugandans enjoy rights and opportunities and access to education, health services, clean and safe water, work, decent shelter, adequate clothing, food security and pension and retirement benefits.” 

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article V:  
(i) The State shall guarantee and respect institutions which are charged by the State with responsibility for protecting and promoting human rights by providing them with adequate resources to function effectively. 
(ii) The State shall guarantee and respect the independence of nongovernmental organisations which protect and promote human rights.” 

Article VII: “The State shall make reasonable provision for the welfare and maintenance of the aged.” 

Article XXII: “The State shall- 

(a) take appropriate steps to encourage people to grow and store adequate food; 
(b) establish national food reserves; and  
 encourage and promote proper nutrition through mass education and other appropriate means in order to build a healthy State.” 

Article 8A:  
(1) Uganda shall be governed based on principles of national interest and common good enshrined in the national objectives and directive principles of state policy. 
(2) Parliament shall make relevant laws for purposes of giving full effect to clause (1) of this Article.”


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Article 12: Right to assistance when in need. - "Persons in need and unable to provide for themselves have the right to assistance and care, and to the financial means required for a decent standard of living." 


Директивные принципы государственной политики

Article 104:

"1. The Confederation shall ensure that agricultural sector, by means of a sustainable and market oriented production policy, makes an essential contribution towards:

a. the reliable provision of the population with foodstuffs;

b. the conservation of natural resources and the upkeep of the countryside;

c. decentralised population settlement of the country.”


Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 193: "4. The mandatory provisions of international law must not be violated.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 41:
"1. The Confederation and the Cantons shall, as a complement to personal responsibility and private initiative, endeavour to ensure that:
a. every person has access to social security;
d. every person who is fit to work can earn their living by working under fair conditions; 

2. The Confederation and Cantons shall endeavour to ensure that every person is protected against the economic consequences of old-age, invalidity, illness, accident, unemployment, maternity, being orphaned and being widowed."

Article 112:

"1.  The Confederation shall legislate on the Old-age, Survivors and Invalidity Insurance.
2.  In doing so, it shall adhere to the following principles: 
b. pensions must be sufficient to cover basic living expenses adequately"

Article 112a.1: "Confederation and Cantons shall pay supplementary benefits to people whose basic living expenses are not covered by benefits under the Old-age, Survivors and Invalidity Insurance. "

Article 113:

"1. The Confederation shall legislate for an occupational pension scheme.
2.  In doing so, it shall adhere to the following principles:
a. the occupational pension scheme, together with the Old-age, Survivors’ and Invalidity Insurance, enables the insured person to maintain his or her previous lifestyle in an appropriate manner."


Директивные принципы государственной политики

Article 27:
(1) The Directive Principles of State Policy herein contained shall guide Parliament, the President and the Cabinet of Ministers in the enactment of laws and the governance of Sri Lanka for the establishment of a just and free society.
(2) The State is pledged to establish in Sri Lanka a democratic socialist society, the objectives of which include –
a. the full realization of the fundamental rights and freedoms of all persons; b. the promotion of the welfare of the People by securing and protecting as effectively as it may, a social order in which justice (social, economic and political) shall guide all the institutions of the national life; c. the realization by all citizens of an adequate standard of living for themselves and their families, including adequate food, clothing and housing, the continuous improvement of living conditions and the full enjoyment of leisure and social and cultural opportunities; d. the rapid development of the whole country by means of public and private economic activity and by laws prescribing such planning and controls as may be expedient for directing and co-ordinating such public and private economic activity towards social objectives and the public weal; e. the equitable distribution among all citizens of the material resources of the community and the social product, so as best to subserve the common good; f. the establishment of a just social order in which the means of production, distribution and exchange are not concentrated and centralised in the State, State agencies or in the hands of a privileged few, but are dispersed among and owned by, all the People of Sri Lanka; g. raising the moral and cultural standards of the People and ensuring the full development of human personality; and h. the complete eradication of illiteracy and the assurance to all persons of the right to universal and equal access to education at all levels.”


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Article 13: “Persons and community groups have the right to safe and permanent access to healthy, sufficient and nutritional food, preferably produced locally and in keeping with their various identities and cultural traditions. The Ecuadorian State shall promote food sovereignty.”

Article 32: "Health is a right guaranteed by the State and whose fulfillment is linked to the exercise of other rights, among which the right to water, food, education, sports, work, social security, healthy environments and others that support the good way of living. The State shall guarantee this right by means of economic, social, cultural, educational, and environmental policies; and the permanent, timely and non-exclusive access to programs, actions and services promoting and providing integral healthcare, sexual health, and reproductive health. The provision of healthcare services shall be governed by the principles of equity, universality, solidarity, interculturalism, quality, efficiency, effectiveness, prevention, and bioethics, with a gender and generational approach."

Article 45:  "Children and adolescents shall enjoy the rights that are common to all human beings, in addition to those that are specific to their age. The State shall recognize and guarantee life, including care and protection from the time of conception. Children and adolescents have the right to physical and psychological integrity; to an identity, name and citizenship; to integral health and nutrition; to education and culture, sports, and recreation; to social security, to have a family and enjoy peaceful coexistence with family and community; to social participation; to respect for their freedom and dignity; to be consulted in matters affecting them; to be educated as a priority in their own language and in the cultural context of their own people and nation; and to receive information about their parents or absent relatives, unless it is harmful to their well-being."

Article 66: “The following rights of persons are recognized and guaranteed:[...]
2. The right to a decent life that ensures health, food and nutrition, clean water, housing, environmental sanitation, education, work, employment, rest and leisure, sports, clothing, social security and other necessary social services”

Директивные принципы государственной политики

Article 3: “The State's prime duties are:
1. Guaranteeing without any discrimination whatsoever the true possession of the rights set forth in the Constitution and in international instruments, especially the rights to education, health, food, social security and water for its inhabitants.[...]

5. Planning national development, eliminating poverty, and promoting sustainable development and the equitable redistribution of resources and wealth to enable access to the good way of living.” 

Article 281: “Food sovereignty is a strategic objective and an obligation of the State in order to ensure that persons, communities, peoples and nations achieve self-sufficiency with respect to healthy and culturally appropriate food on a permanent basis. [...]”

Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 10: “Persons, communities, peoples, nations and communities are bearers of rights and shall enjoy the rights guaranteed to them in the Constitution and in international instruments. [...]”

Article 417: “The international treaties ratified by Ecuador shall be subject to the provisions set forth in the Constitution. In the case of treaties and other international instruments for human rights, principles for the benefit of the human being, the nonrestriction of rights, direct applicability, and the open clause as set forth in the Constitution shall be applied.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 33: “Work is a right and a social duty, as well as an economic right, source of personal fulfillment and the basis for the economy. The State shall guarantee full respect for the dignity of working persons, a decent life, fair pay and retribution, and performance of a healthy job that is freely chosen and accepted.“

Article 42: “All arbitrary displacement is forbidden. Persons who have been displaced shall have the right to receive protection and emergency humanitarian aid from the authorities, ensuring access to food, shelter, housing, and medical and health services. [...]”

Article 46: “The State shall adopt, among others, the following measures that safeguard children and adolescents:1. Care for children under six years of age that guarantees their nutrition, health, education and dairy care in a framework of integral protection of their rights. [...]”

Article 51: “Imprisoned persons are recognized the following rights: [...] 5. Care for their education, labor, productive, cultural, food and recreational needs.”

Article 66: “The following rights of persons are recognized and guaranteed: [...] 2. The right to a decent life that ensures health, food and nutrition, clean water, housing, environmental sanitation, education, work, employment, rest and leisure, sports, clothing, social security and other necessary social services.”


Косвенная защита права на достаточное питание

Article 43: "The Right to Development.

1. The Peoples of Ethiopia as a whole, and each Nation, Nationality and People in Ethiopia in particular have the right to improved living standards and to sustainable development.

2. Nationals have the right to participate in national development and, in particular, to be consulted with respect to policies and projects affecting their community.

3. All international agreements and relations concluded, established or conducted by the State shall protect and ensure Ethiopia's right to sustainable development.

4. The basic aim of development activities shall be to enhance the capacity of citizens for development and to meet their basic needs.

Директивные принципы государственной политики

Article 90.1: “To the extent the country’s resources permit, policies shall aim to provide all Ethiopians access to public health and education, clean water, housing, food and social security.”

Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 13.2: “The fundamental rights and freedoms specified in this Chapter shall be interpreted in a manner conforming to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenants on Human Rights and International instruments adopted by Ethiopia.”

Южный Судан

Директивные принципы государственной политики

Article 35(2): “Guiding Objectives and Principles. - This Constitution shall be interpreted and applied to advance the individual dignity and address the particular needs of the people by dedicating public resources and focusing attention on the provision of gainful employment for the people, and improving their lives by building roads, schools, airports, community institutions, hospitals, providing clean water, food security, electric power and telecommunication services to every part of the country.” 


Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 9(3): “Nature of the Bill of Right - All rights and freedoms enshrined in international human rights treaties, covenants and instruments ratified or acceded to by the Republic of South Sudan shall be an integral part of this Bill.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1(5): “South Sudan is founded on justice, equality, respect for human dignity and advancement of human rights and fundamental freedoms.” 

Article 37(1): “The principal objective of the economic development strategy shall be the:  

(a) eradication of poverty;

(b) attainment of the Millennium Development Goals;

(c) guaranteeing the equitable distribution of wealth;

(d) redressing imbalances of income; and

(e) achieving a decent standard of life for the people of South Sudan."

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