The Right to Food

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Cartoon Books for kids, 2007.
“The Right to Food: a Window on the World” is designed to help you to educate young people about the right to food and encourage them to take action against hunger in the world. By using the cartoon book and the activity guide, you will help young people to understand that every individual has the right to be free from hunger and that all members of society have a responsibility to respect, protect and promote that right.

Keywords: Capacity development - Educational tools - Training
Available in: English
Keywords: Advocacy - Food security and nutrition

This course is part of the e-learning curriculum "Right to Food in Practice" and its introduces the principles and concept of the human right to adequate food and its practical application. The course also provides an overview of the historical development of this human right, the human rights based approach to development, recourse mechanisms, the Right to Food Guidelines and describes the rights, obligations and responsibilities of rights-holders and duty-bearers of the right to food.

Available in: English français Español
Keywords: Capacity development - Advocacy - Educational tools - Training - Food security and nutrition

This course is part of the Right to Food Curriculum Outline developed by FAO to support the progressive realization of the human right to food. This course describes a series of analytical, educational and normative methodologies that offer guidance and hands-on advice on the practical aspects of the right to adequate food. It covers a wide range of operational issues such as assessment, legislation, advocacy, education, budgeting and monitoring of this human right.

Available in: English
Keywords: Capacity development - Advocacy - Curriculum - Educational tools - Training - Food security and nutrition

Brief, 2007.
This brief provides an overview of the types of right to food activities with which FAO is involved in Brazil, Bhutan, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, India, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania/Zanzibar and Uganda.
Available in English, Español, Français.

Available in: English français Español

"Focus on" Series, 2007.
Traditional bioenergy is the dominant source of energy for about half of the world’s population and it is used mainly for cooking. This in itself makes access to bioenergy a right to food issue. This paper addresses the right to food and bioenergy in regard to the new risks and hopes of bioenergy, the right to food dimensions, and reconciling the right to food and energy security.

Available in: English français Español
Keywords: Advocacy - Educational tools - Policy - Economics - Food security and nutrition - Strategy

"Focus on" Series, 2007.
Unequal access to power and resources is central to discrimination against women in the community, market, state and even within their own households. This paper addresses the right to food and gender in regard to Human Rights Law, National Implementation, Health and Education and Property Rights.

Available in: English français Español
Keywords: Advocacy - Educational tools - Legal issues - International law - Food security and nutrition

"Focus on" Series, 2007.
HIV/AIDS makes people more vulnerable to food insecurity; in fact, food insecurity makes them even more susceptible to full-blown AIDS. This paper addresses the right to food and HIV/AIDS in regard to the Human Rights-Based Approach, The Right to Adequate Food and the Right to Food Guidelines.

Available in: English français Español
Keywords: Advocacy - Educational tools - Empowerment - International law - Obligations - Policy - Food security and nutrition

"Focus on" Series, 2007.
Indigenous peoples are among the world’s most vulnerable groups and poorest socio-ethnic populations. They make up a significant percentage of the food insecure, often facing chronic hunger and malnutrition. This paper addresses the right to food and indigenous peoples in regard to Human Rights, Land and Natural Resources, Indigenous women and State Obligations.

Available in: English français Español
Keywords: Situation analysis - Advocacy - Educational tools - Empowerment - Legal issues

"Focus on" Series, 2007.
Human rights principles and language are being used to support resource access claims as rights-based approaches empower individuals and groups to gain or maintain access to natural resources. This paper addresses the right to food and access to natural resources in regard to Right to Food Guidelines Provisions, Violations and State Obligations.

Available in: English français Español
Keywords: Impact analysis - Advocacy - Educational tools - Empowerment - Legal issues - Policy

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