The Right to Food


Right to Food Assessment, 2014.
This publication brings together the practical experiences and lessons learned during the past 10 years of implementation of the right to food guidelines in El Salvador. It looks at how the right to food has been progressively integrated into policy planning, strategy formulation, programme design and legislative processes throughout the country. Available only in: Español

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Right to Food Methodological Toolbox - Book 6, 2014. 
This volume outlines simple and practical ways to analyse the design and implementation of food and nutrition security (FNS) policies and programmes from a right to food perspective. The primary focus is on national overarching FNS policies as well as national FNS programmes that serve as instruments to implement policies. This reference guide complements other volumes included in the Right to Food Methodological Toolbox.

Available in: English
Keywords: Food security analysis - Policy - Food security and nutrition

Right to Food Assessment, 2014.
This publication describes the development of the Right to Food in the West-African region. It brings together the analysis of the food and nutrition situation (focusing on the main barriers to eradicating hunger), the legal framework, the relevant policies and programmes (focusing on principles inherent to the right to food), and a brief description of the most relevant institutions.

Available in: English français
Keywords: Assessment - Food security analysis - Entitlements - Obligations - Food security and nutrition - Institutional policy - Strategy

Right to Food Guidelines
Adopted by the 127th Session of the FAO Council, November 2004.
The objective of the Voluntary Guidelines is to provide practical guidance to States in their implementation of the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security.

Keywords: Assessment - Capacity development - Legal issues - Monitoring - Policy

Right to Food Publication, 2014.
This Publication looks back at the progress made over the past decade in implementing the Right to Food Guidelines through the revision of some lessons learned and good practices, it identifies the main gaps and challenges and it discusses the way forward in implementing the Right to Food Guidelines so as to realize the right to adequate food of all.

Available in: English français Español
Keywords: Assessment - Global studies - Monitoring - Analysis - Policy - Food security and nutrition

Right to Food Thematic Study 1, 2014.
This Thematic Study reviewed the existing food security and nutrition (FSN) policy documents to determine the extent to which the designs of these policies have right to food underpinnings. This review was guided by several provisions of the Right to Food Guidelines.

Available in: English
Keywords: Global studies - Policy - Food security and nutrition

Right to Food Thematic Study 2, 2014.
This study shows how an institutional framework can efficiently support the realization of the right to adequate food and through examples, examines important advances on various structural dimensions of an institution that have taken place since the adoption of the Right to Food Guidelines. The study particularly examines executive and legislative bodies, human rights institutions as well as judicial and quasi-judicial bodies, at national, regional and global levels.

Available in: English
Keywords: Global studies - Recourse mechanisms - Analysis - Institutional capacity - Institutional policy

Right to Food Thematic Study 3, 2014.
This thematic study examines the legal advances of the right to food since the adoption of the Right to Food Guidelines in 2004. The study explores legislative and judicial developments in areas of constitutional law, framework laws and sectoral laws of different countries. Following this overview of the legal foundation, the study examines the justiciability of the right to food.

Available in: English
Keywords: Global studies - Legal issues - International law - National legislation - Recourse mechanisms

Right to Food Thematic Study 4, 2014.
This thematic study reviews international instruments which demonstrate a shift towards a human rights based approach to natural resources in the ten years since the adoption of the Right to Food Guidelines along with national level examples of success and challenges in addressing gender and the concerns of vulnerable groups in sectors such as land, fisheries and forestry.

Available in: English
Keywords: Global studies - National legislation - Policy

Right to Food Thematic Study 5, 2014.
This thematic study takes a retrospective glance at social protection related developments from 2004 to 2014 considering the recommendations of Guidelines 8, 13, 14 and measures for international cooperation and partnership for promoting the right to adequate food. It presents the trajectory of a human rights-based approach to social protection across policy spaces and food security intervention contexts.

Available in: English
Keywords: Assessment - Food security analysis - Global studies - Legal issues - Entitlements - Policy - Coordination - Food security and nutrition - Institutional policy

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