Archive des faits marquants

New FAOSTAT data release
Nouvelle publication de données FAOSTAT
FAO Statistical Yearbook is a primary tool for policymakers, researchers and analysts, as well as the general public interested in the past, present and future path of food and agriculture.
FAO joined forces with the International Labour Organization and the Thünen-Institute of Forestry to estimate the global workforce in forest-related activities and provide insights on labour market trends in this sector. 
Overfishing in the Mediterranean and Black Sea has fallen significantly in the past decade, but exploitation of most commercial species is far from sustainable, according to a report by the General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the Un...
FAO Food Price Index is now only 0.3 percent higher than a year earlier
New FAOSTAT data release
FAOSTAT’s new Food Value Chain domain analyzes resource flows beyond the farm sector and across agrifood systems
FAOSTAT, the International Fertilizer Association and leading research universities offer new reference point for assessing agricultural, environment and sustainability priorities
FAO Food Outlook forecasts point to somewhat easing world market conditions, but increasing uncertainties
Les cours internationaux des groupes de produits de base qui figurent à l’Indice FAO des prix des produits alimentaires sont en baisse, à l’exception des céréales.
Nouvelle publication de données FAOSTAT
The GLEAM Dashboard is an interactive web platform to visualize and analyze livestock emissions with a high level of detail. It is a useful tool for livestock stakeholders as well as the general public, to better understand the sector’s impact and to make informed decisions regarding li...
Les prix des huiles végétales sont les premiers responsables du recul enregistré en septembre
AQUASTAT, FAO's Global Information System on Water and Agriculture, just released a new dissemination system that provides free access to over 180 variables and indicators by country and by year since 1960.
Rising conflict, weather extremes, and economic instability aggravated by the lingering impacts of COVID-19 and the ripple effects of the war in Ukraine are among the key drivers