Rome2015 Science Symposium on Climate - Friday afternoon session

Red Room (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

Few days before the COP21 in Paris, the Italian Scientific Community organizes an event in Rome aiming at fostering the international scientific debate on climate.


The Conference focuses on the multidisciplinary dimension of Climate Sciences in order to address the advances in the scientific knowledge on the climate system, on adaptation and climate impacts, and on mitigation strategies with the participation of internationally renowned keynote speakers, experts gathering in parallel sessions, decision makers and climate experts.


 The Symposium is an initiative jointly organized by thirteen Scientific Societies and Associations bringing together renowned experts to share and discuss on climate. There will be a series of parallel sessions. More general info and the programme are available on the official website 

List of participants: Donatella SPANO – SISC President; Maria Helena SEMEDO – FAO Deputy Director-General, Coordinator for Natural Resources; Carlo CARRARO – IPCC, Vice-Chair WG3, FEEM, CMCC, Ca’ Foscari University Venice; Laurence TUBIANA – Special Representative of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs for the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, COP-21, and French Ambassador for Climate Negotiations; Gianluca GALLETTI – Italian Minister of the Environment, Land and Sea
Topics: Climate change,Food Security
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