World Agriculture Watch

“Cahiers Agricultures”: A special issue dedicated to diversity of agricultural trajectories and family farming, coordinated by Marie-Aude Even (WAW Secretariat) and Jean-Michel Sourisseau (CIRAD)


Following the IYFF 2014 and an initial workshop organized by WAW and partners during the 10th symposium of the International Farming System Association, this special issue highlights some threats and opportunities of family farming in a context of agricultural transformations.  After an editorial, a general review of transformations process is proposed, ,followed by 5 original studies.

In fine, the articles illustrate a diversity of transformations of farms which are themselves diverse. They show the role of policies and context in shaping these trajectories and highlight different individual and collective coping strategies. They demonstrate the need to take into account, altogether, the dynamics of transformations, the diversity of contexts, and the diversity of farms coexisting in the same territory. Analyzing the characteristics of such diversities and the views of different actors appears notably fundamental to better understand the challenges to implement promoted changes, and to argue the participation of actors in policy dialogue. To implement such approaches, improved studies, data and monitoring systems appear needed along with platforms facilitating multi-stakeholders policy dialogue.   The content is as follows and this special issue  Volume 24, numéro 4, Juillet-Août 2015)  is online accessible (click here).


Transformations agricoles et agricultures familiales : quelques défis mis en lumière durant l’Année internationale de l’agriculture familiale (p.201-3). Jean-Michel Sourisseau, Marie-Aude Even

Agricultural transformations and family farms: some challenges highlighted during the International Year of Family farming (p.204-5). Jean-Michel Sourisseau, Marie-Aude Even

General Review

Transformations agricoles : un point de vue renouvelé par une mise en perspective d’approches macro et microéconomiques (p.206-14). Pierre-Marie Bosc, Jean-François Bélières

Original Studies

Les transformations de l’agriculture familiale dans les petites villes : le cas de Muea au Cameroun (p.215-23). Laurent Parrot, Azer Nantchouang, Clovis Dongmo

Interrelations entre agro-industrie et agricultures familiales vues par le prisme du système agraire (p.224-31). Perrine Burnod, Katy Medernach

Changement de pratiques et de discours : politiques agricoles et exploitations familiales au Canada (p.232-9). Susan Machum

Défis de mise en œuvre du Plan national de développement agricole durable (NSADP) pour les petites exploitations de Sierra Leone (p.240-5) . Silvia Saravia-Matus, Sergio Gomez Y Paloma

L’évolution des politiques publiques pour réduire la déforestation en Amazonie contribue-t-elle à l’intensification écologique ? (p.246-54). Nathalie Cialdella, Soraya Carvalho, Vania Vaz, Tienne Barbosa, Marcelo Thâles, Moises Mourão, René Poccard-Chapuis, Jean-François Tourrand