Asia-Pacific Forestry Week

Venues and accommodation

What are the venues for the APFC session and the Asia-Pacific Forestry Week (AFPW) stream events?

The 26th session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC) will be held at the Convention Centre of Fontana Leisure Parks, Clark Freeport, Pampanga. 

Venues for the APFW streams events are the following:

 Stream 1 Pathways to prosperity - Future trade and markets: Widus Hotel

 Stream 2 Tackling climate change - challenges and opportunities: Widus Hotel

 Stream 3 Serving society - forestry and people: Fontana Convention Center

 Stream 4 New institutions, new governance: Holiday Inn

 Stream 5 Our green future, green investment and growing our natural assets: Holiday Inn

Is Wi-Fi available in all venue sites? 

Yes, Wi-Fi is available in all three (3) stream venues (Fontana, Holiday Inn and Widus Hotels).

What are the locations of the different streams?

Please see below to view the  vicinity map of Clark Freeport Zone for location of the streams. Warning large file size (1.5 mB)


What are the possible hotels that the participants can stay during the event?

Special conference rates are available for the event participants at the hotels listed below: 

Hotel Options

Philippine Peso

Holiday Inn Hotel (Hotel rooms and family garden villas) (FULLY BOOKED)

P 4,200++ to P 9,130++

Widus Hotel and Casino (FULLY BOOKED)

P 4,500++ to P 7,200++

Xenia Hotel

P 4,300++

Hotel Stotsenberg

P 2,800++ to P 4,350++

The Oxford Hotel

P 3,600++ to P 4,000++

Lohas Hotel

P 3,500++ to P 5,000++

Park Inn Radisson

P 3,800++ to P 4,000++

Lewis Grand Hotel (accommodation only)

P 3,500++ to P 4,600++


What meals will be provided?

The organizers will provide the following meals:

  • Morning tea/coffee and snacks, lunch, afternoon tea/coffee and snacks (Feb 22-26)
  • Dinner reception on Tuesday, February 23
  • Evening cocktails on Wednesday, February 24

Hotel accommodation is a bed and breakfast arrangement.

Where will the hosted meals be served?

Except on February 23, 2016 where lunch will be served and welcome dinner reception will be held at Fontana Convention Center, all meals will be served where the stream event is being held, i.e. Streams 1 & 2 meals will be served at  Widus Hotel, Stream 3 at Fontana and Streams 4 & 5 at Holiday Inn.

Is there an opportunity to wear national costumes during the event?

Aside from the usual business attire for sessions and stream events, participants are encouraged to wear their country’s national costume during the Welcome Dinner Reception on 23 February 2016, 1800 to 2000 hours.