Forests and Climate Change
Thursday 10 September 2015
While climate change often negatively affects forests and forest-dependent people, climate change policies and responses offer new opportunities. These include new and additional sources of financing for the forest sector, increased political support for improved forest governance and stakeholder engagement, an impetus to strengthen national forest monitoring systems, and incentives to engage in cross-sectoral dialogue and cooperation.
This special event will highlight the role of forests in international climate change policy under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the influence that these climate agreements have on national forest policies and management. Representatives of public and private sectors, communities and indigenous peoples will share their experiences and discuss emerging issues in forest and climate change mitigation (particularly REDD+) and adaptation. The special event will also examine climate financing and investment issues.
The objectives of the event include:
- increasing the forest community’s understanding of the significance of climate change to the sector and to its stakeholders
- identifying key areas for action by forest practitioners, policymakers and researchers
- highlighting partnership opportunities
Who can attend?
Everyone registered at the Congress is welcome to attend.