Third Forum of the UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance
Tuesday 8–Wednesday 9 September 2015
See room and times - Day 1, Day 2
Full details and programme on the UNFCCC website
Enhancing coherence and coordination of forest financing
The Third Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance is a two-day event focusing on issues related to finance for forests, in the context of actions addressing mitigation and adaptation to climate change. It will incorporate both plenary sessions and breakout group sessions. Among questions addressed will be how to enhance coherence and coordination in the delivery of finance for forests; how to best use public finance for forests to support mitigation of, and adaptation, to climate change; how to enhance coherence and coordination of forest finance to ensure all forest benefits are achieved; and how to bank on joint public‐private schemes.
Day One
- Overview of the landscape of finance for forests
- Role of public finance for forests, including the Global Environment Facility and the Green Climate Fund, other multilateral and bilateral financing instruments, in supporting developing countries to implement REDD‐plus and other forest‐related activities
- Role of private sector finance for forests and for activities that drive deforestation, and how to enhance the enabling environments for sustainable private investments
- Coherence and coordination between different actors and financial institutions that are involved with financing for forests
Day Two
- Case studies and discussions on on a) ways and means to transfer payments for results‐based actions and b) the provision of financial resources for alternative approaches
- Incentives required to achieve sustainable investments which reduce deforestation or forest degradation and promote sustainable management of forests and forest carbon stocks in the national context
- Case studies related to forest finance addressing both adaptation and mitigation
- Summary and conclusion
Who can attend?
Practitioners of forest‐related activities, finance/investment institutions and technical experts are welcome to attend. To ensure good interaction among participants, the forum will accommodate 150–200 participants. To register for the Third Standing Committee on Finance Forum, please contact [email protected].
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