XIV World Forest Congress 2015

Pre-Congress events

Friday 4 September 2015

Research Symposium: Underpinning sustainable tree plantations in Southern Africa

Showcasing the depth and breadth of forestry research across South Africa


Forests, People and Environment (Day 1)

African Forest Forum workshop highlighting important trends in the African forest sector

#Forests2015 Social Media Boot Camp (Day 1)

Learn or improve social media skills including blogging, Twitter and social reporting

Saturday 5 September 2015

Building momentum for community-based forestry, forest and farm producer organizations (Day 1)

Creating a road map for action for community-based forestry, forest and farm organizations

Forests, People and Environment (Day 2)

African Forest Forum workshop highlighting important trends in the African forest sector

#Forests2015 Social Media Boot Camp (Day 2)

Learn or improve social media skills including blogging, Twitter and social reporting

Sunday 6 September 2015

Building momentum for community-based forestry, forest and farm producer organizations (Day 2)

Creating a road map for action for community-based forestry, forest and farm organizations

Towards a vision on forests in the post-2015 agenda

High Level Dialogue of Heads of Member Organizations of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF)

Youth - Setting the stage: engage, speak out, be heard!

An orientation event for young people to make the most of their presence at the Congress


#Forests2015 Social Media Boot Camp (Day 3)

Learn or improve social media skills including blogging, Twitter and social reporting