Youth - Setting the stage: engage, speak out, be heard!
Sunday 6 September 2015
See room, times and speakers
(Event in English only)
This pre-congress event will serve as the youth orientation programme for the Congress. Planning for the overall engagement of youth across the sub-themes dialogues and special events will be shared with youth delegates. Two invited speakers will give talks on how youth can make the most of their presence at the Congress, helping to create a better understanding of the Congress atmosphere, especially for participating first-timers and students. All youth events organized by youth associations and others as well as the schedule of daily youth meetings will be presented.
Objectives of the event
- Youth delegates get to know each other
- Youth delegates learn about the upcoming Congress week and how youth engagement is organized
- Youth delegates gain better understanding about how to establish their presence at large events and how to network
Who can attend?
All youth delegates registered to attend the Congress