The OpenAGRIS (s)mashup Using linked data and web services to augment AGRIS repository content


“The AGRIS Network is an international initiative based on a collaborative network of institutions, whose aim is to promote free access to information on science and technology in agriculture and related subjects”. AGRIS (, a collection of almost 3 million bibliographic references, is one of the most important world-wide information systems in the agricultural domain.


Celli, Fabrizio and Anibaldi, Stefano and Jaques, Yves and Subirats-Coll, Imma and Stellato, Armando and Ying-Sean, Lim and Keizer, Johannes The OpenAGRIS (s)mashup Using linked data and web services to augment AGRIS repository content., 2012 . In Open Repositories (OR2012), Edinburgh, UK, 9-13 July 2012. [Conference poster]