AGRIS 对于分析农业发展状况,并由此指导农业投资、创新和政策制定创造了良好的机会。该平台可免费提供超过1300 万条并涵盖 100 多种不同语言的出版物的记录。期刊文章、专著、图书章节、数据集以及灰色文献——如农业和相关科学领域未发表的科技报告、论文、学位论文和会议论文等。
AGRIS 对于分析农业发展状况,并由此指导农业投资、创新和政策制定创造了良好的机会。该平台可免费提供超过1300 万条并涵盖 100 多种不同语言的出版物的记录。期刊文章、专著、图书章节、数据集以及灰色文献——如农业和相关科学领域未发表的科技报告、论文、学位论文和会议论文等。
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) welcomes CIBNOR (Northwest Biological Research Center) from Mexico as a new member of the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS). Founded in 1982, CIBNOR has been a crucial player in scientific research...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) welcomes the National University of Trujillo (UNT) from Peru as a new member of the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS). Founded in 1824, UNT has been a cornerstone of higher education in the region...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) welcomes Universidad Técnica de Machala (UTMACH) from Ecuador as a new member of the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS). Founded in 1969, UTMACH has been a cornerstone of higher education in the...
AGRIS 数据提供方在线课程能够帮助新的和已有的提供方,提升其为AGRIS提供有效贡献方面的相关知识,有英语和西班牙语两种版本,如有兴趣请联系[email protected]。