All concepts are archived in this page. If your institution wishes to propose a concept, please let us know!

  • Artificial Intelligence

    FAO/Lekha Edirisinghe

    Today, artificial intelligence and robots have become an integral part of most agricultural processes. Robots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are being utilized for the benefit of farmers and the agriculture industry as a whole. 

    Weather forecasting is one of the important aspects for farmers. Flying robots can help farmers with tasks such as crop monitoring, soil analysis and pest control, while AI software can help  predict weather conditions and make decisions about when to plant, harvest and apply pesticides, as well as reduce vulnerability to environmental extremes.

  • Artisanal fisheries

    The United Nations General Assembly has declared 2022 the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022). FAO is...

  • Flowering

    The incredible process of flowering affects every living being in nature. Flowering is closely connected with the awakening of nature...

  • Gender equity in access to land

    March 8 is International Women's Day. Equal access to land has always been the cornerstone of inclusive sustainable development. We...

  • Rangelands monitoring

    Rangeland monitoring is an important tool as it helps understand how conditions of rangelands are changing in response to the...

  • Renewable energy

    Renewable energy, as experts assert, is a durable solution for energy security which is a vital necessity for humanity and...